Data privacy regulations of some countries require a person making a report containing personal data to be notified of certain collection, processing and retention practices applied to information submitted through this system, and consent to certain terms and conditions regarding the information. Because you have indicated that you either live in or are reporting about a matter that occurred in a country with such regulations, you are being asked to read and accept the terms contained in this notice.
Please read the notice below and, if you agree, check the consent box that follows. You will then be able to submit a report or question. If you do not provide your consent, you will not be able to submit a report or question via this website. In that case, we would ask that you instead report to your:
- Manager or supervisor;
- Human Resources, Legal or Compliance representative; or
- Business unit or geography leadership.
The Mozarc Integrity Matters form is a confidential online reporting system to allow you to raise concerns. Use of the site is entirely voluntary as you are encouraged to follow our existing internal reporting processes, but if you feel that you are unable to do so, you may use this system instead. As the Integrity Matters site is operated according to local or geographic laws and regulations, in countries that are member of the European Union or that have a very similar legislation, the use of this form is limited to concerns related to accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing matters, and combating against bribery, banking and financial crime. In some European countries, there may be additional restrictions e.g. some countries may only allow reports regarding a certain level of employee, or anonymous reporting may not be possible.
What information is collected? We capture the following information:
- Your name and contact details (if you decide not to report anonymously);
- The name and title of the individual(s) you may be reporting;
- A description of any questionable conduct, including all relevant details; and
- Any question you may have.
Although we do not actively seek it, sensitive personal information, as defined by privacy regulations, could be included in the report.
Please be aware that the information you supply about yourself, your colleagues, or any aspect of the company’s operations may result in decisions that affect others.
Therefore, we ask that you only provide information that, to the best of your knowledge, is correct and factual. The information you submit will be treated confidentially and we encourage you to identify yourself in order for us to follow up with any questions we may have.
How will the information be used? Each report is reviewed to confirm whether further investigation is warranted and to determine the appropriate method of investigation. Mozarc respects the rights of the reporter and the rights of those involved in potential misconduct.
The information you provide will be stored on servers hosted by Smartsheet.
Unless otherwise required by law, the information within the Mozarc Integrity matters database may only be reviewed and used by individuals who need to access it to fulfil their duties, to answer your questions or investigate the report, in accordance with Mozarc policies. These individuals may include appropriate ethics, compliance, human resources, audit, legal, security, or management functions and employees within Mozarc or technical individuals at Smartsheet if needed to support the operation of the Smartsheet application.
Please note that because of applicable laws, individuals you identify may be informed about the fact that a report has been made. However, the information we provide to the individuals will not reveal your name or identity.
Any information you submit that is not needed will be deleted or archived, as permitted by local law and in line with our internal procedures. In addition, once we have responded to your question or completed any investigation, all information you submitted will be deleted or archived, as appropriate and permitted by local law and our internal procedures.
As soon as practical, if you are the subject of a report you will be notified and provided information about the fact that you are the subject of a report; the departments that may receive the report; and how to exercise your rights of access and rectification of inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated information. However, where there is substantial risk that such notification would jeopardize Mozarc's ability to effectively investigate the allegation or gather the necessary evidence, notification will be delayed as long as such risk exists.
I have read the contents of the Mozarc Integrity Matters Privacy Notice and Consent form above, and agree to my personal data, as well as the information that I provide, being used as described within this notice.