Study Abroad Scholarship

The Academic Enrichment Scholarship for Study Abroad provides up to $3000 to CLA students who are enrolling abroad programs that are closely related to their college of liberal arts education and career goals.

To be eligible students must:

  • Have completed a least 30 credit hours at Auburn
  • Have an unadjusted cumulative AU GPA of 3.0
  • Be enrolled in Auburn classes during the term of their study abroad

Application Deadlines:

  • Fall - July 15th
  • Spring - October 15th
  • Summer - March 15th
By selecting the box below, you are verifying that you meet all of the criteria above. Only eligible students may apply.
Academic Level*

This packet should include the following:

  • Cover letter explaining your reasons for requesting funding and how the abroad program you have chosen contributes to your CLA education.
  • Current unofficial transcript.
  • Completed course approval form for study abroad.
  • Letter of acceptance from program director.
  • Detailed program description (copy of brochure).
  • Budget for period of study abroad.
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