What must I declare?
You must declare any interests you have (whether they are yours or from a connected person) which come within the areas set out below. Please provide a full background, other parties involved involved and the likely duration.
You must detail any current interests or those within the last 2 years.
1. Offices or positions (elected, volunteer or paid) held with:
i) a Member National Authority
ii) World Sailing Affiliate or Associate Members
iii) World Sailing Class Association
iv) Continental Association
v) Any other international sailing or sporting bodies
2. Involvement with the training or selection of competitors
3. Contractual or commercial relationships with World Sailing Limited, World Sailing (UK) Limited or World Sailing Event Management Limited
4. Directorships, partnerships or employment with
i) Member National Authorities
ii) World Sailing Affiliate or Associate Members
iii) World Sailing Class Association
iv) Continental Association
v) businesses that are engaged in the sport of sailing or derive any substantial portion of their revenue from sailing;
5. Trusteeships or board positions with
i) Member National Authorities
ii) World Sailing Affiliate or Associate Members
iii) World Sailing Class Association
iv) Continental Association
v) institutions or charitiesthat are engaged in the sport of sailing orderive any substantial portion of their revenue from sailing;
6. Membership of any sailing or yacht clubs
7. Close family relationships, commercial/business or personal relationships with another Board, Council, Committee or Commission Member
8. Membership of any professional bodies, special interest groups or mutual support organisations
9. For World Sailing Board Members only (including candidates for election), in respect of businesses that are engaged in the sport of sailing or derive any substantial portion of their revenue from sailing:
i) Investments in unlisted companies, partnerships and other forms of business,
ii) Major shareholdings of more than 5% of the issued capital
iii) Beneficial interests