Commercial Warranty & Returns Request Form

Please complete the form for non-urgent warranty requests, freight damage incidents, and any new & unused finished goods (or parts) returns.


For urgent orders, please submit a PO through XRAY, then place your Warranty request for credit.


Tell us about yourself.

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Requestor Information

This will be the Primary Contact & Company receiving the RMA, Credit, Replacement Part

Please enter your own unique tracking # for this submission

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Note: Freight Damage is not considered Warranty.

Please select Freight Damage Return when part/unit arrives damaged in any way. Partner Services will be assigned to resolve your request.

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ID Card Request

When requesting an ID Card, you must troubleshoot with Technical Support while onsite.

When doing so, you will receive a case number, please enter it in the field below.

If you have not done so, please call 805-278-5300 and follow the prompts for Boiler/DHW Technical Support.


Only Authorized Raypak/Rheem Reps can order/replace an ID Card. If you are not an Authorized Rep, Raypak Warranty will need to gather this information prior to shipping any component.

"-----" is an INVALID Request Reason

Please select another Request Reason.

Supporting Warranty Documents (Recommended)

  • Images of the part/heater failing
  • Photo of the Rating Plate
  • Photo of the Installation
  • Gas Pressure Readings
  • Voltage Readings
  • Startup Forms
  • Diagnostic Screen Photos
  • Dipswitch Settings for PIM & VERSA

Freight Damage

Photos of the following:

  • Damaged Box
  • Shipping label including Serial Number
  • Equipment Damage (if concealed)
  • Any paperwork included with shipment

Missing Product/Part

New & Unused

  • Photos of the equipment being returned to allow Raypak to assess its viability

XFIIRE Vent Sensor Part Request

We will be submitting your order for kit #100-10001049. Once the work has been completed, please return and enter your one-hour labor invoice as a XFIIRE Flue Sensor Labor Request submission.

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Has the unit or part been unboxed?*


MUST INCLUDE the following in the "File Upload" section at the bottom of the form:

  • Photo of the box including the serial and part numbers
  • Photo of the item

Still boxed

MUST INCLUDE a photo of the box including the serial and part numbers in the "File Upload" section at the bottom of the form.

Request - Freight*
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Action Being Requested*

Would you like to receive credit or a replacement part?

"Finished Good" is the complete heater/unit.

Select or enter value
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"Finished Good" is the complete heater/unit, not just a part.

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This is the Raypak Sales Order # Associated with Part/Unit

Normally starts with 4011XXXXXXX.

This is your PO# associated with Raypak Sales Order

*If Part Number doesn't appear in dropdown, manually type it in*

*Multiple Part Numbers can be selected*

Select or enter value
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If multiple parts selected, please clarify how may of each needed in the Comments field at the bottom of the form.

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Original or Replacement Part*

Is the part being submitted original to the heater or a part purchased individually to repair a heater?


What was the manufacturer defect found?

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Please provide a description of the failure & past service performed on all parts submitted.

Please provide any additional information to help Raypak process your request.

Please upload all documentation and photos that will help Raypak process your submission.

Drag and drop files here or

You will receive an email with the form details shortly after submission.