2020 Live Well Advance Call For Sessions

KEY DATES 07-10-2020: Call for Sessions Open 07-31-2020: Due Date for all Session Proposals 08-21-2020: Proposal Acceptance Notifications 12-03-2020: 2020 Live Well Advance Conference • Session Proposals should describe original work • More than one proposal may be submitted • Proposals are limited to 250 words • Session Proposal content may be copied & pasted into the form. • Emailed Session Proposals will not be accepted. • Please check spelling, word count, and conformance with these guidelines. • All presenters must register to attend the conference. • Presenting authors may be asked to list previous speaking engagements and are encouraged to submit a video link from a previous presentation • The County of San Diego does not offer stipends nor honorariums to session speakers, panelists or moderators. ***PLEASE NOTE that work in this form cannot be saved. You have the option to send a copy to yourself when you submit.


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Check box if your organization is a Recognized Partner (http://www.livewellsd.org/content/livewell/home/partners-list.html)

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Please list the appropriate category of your session content, such as Data Literacy, Funding, Leadership, etc.

Which Live Well San Diego Area of Influence best fits your organization's mission? See detailed descriptions here: http://www.livewellsd.org/content/livewell/home/about/annual-report/Impact.html Community: Neighborhood Safety and Structural Operability Health: Quality of Life, Physical and Mental Health Knowledge: Educational Institutions Social: Community Involvement, Volunteerism, and Food Systems Standard of Living: Organizational Advancement, Employment, Personal Finance

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Panel Presentation: 3 or fewer panelists Roundtable: Group discussions led by one presenter

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Please provide a 250-word session proposal which describes your presentation content:

↓ Please contact me with sponsorship options

Indicate what level of familiarity with your content is needed by your target audience:

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List 1-3 learning objectives that attendees will learn from your session:

Please provide brief biographies for potential speakers (up to 150 words.) Separate multiple biographies with at least one line break each.

Attach at least 1 headshot photo per presenter. Please keep image files smaller than 1000 X 1000 pixels.

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Please read and acknowledge this document to assert content originality of your submission and accept responsibility for your own risks at the 2020 Live Well Advance conference. Submitting this form serves as acceptance of all conditions for participation listed herein. I hereby attest that the information submitted herein is original content, true, and accurate. In consideration of my and my organization's participation in the 2020 Live Well Advance one-day conference (hereafter “event”), I acknowledge, understand, and agree that: (A) Participating in any large-scale event carries with it a level of risk; (B) Elements of nature and other environmental conditions are beyond the reasonable control of the sponsoring organization and its members; (C) The actions of participants are beyond the reasonable control of the sponsoring organization and its members; and (D) As a condition of my participation in the event, I will be responsible for exercising reasonable care for my own safety and for the safety of other participants and will abide by whatever rules, regulations, or guidelines are associated with the event. E) I agree to have my likeness and video presentation, in entirety or in part, recorded and distributed publicly. Accordingly, I do hereby release, waive, absolve, discharge, and otherwise agree to hold harmless the following sponsoring organizations: Alliance Healthcare Foundation, Fruition Consulting, and the County of San Diego, its Officers, Sponsors, Agents, Employees & Volunteers, any production or management company associated with the event, including their representatives, volunteers, officers, directors, employees, officials, promoters, members, agents, and affiliates – in their corporate and individual capacities – (collectively “released parties”) from and against any and all rights, claims, demands, causes of action, obligations, suits, liens, damages or liabilities of any kind and character whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or claimed, which I shall or may have in the future against the released parties arising out of, based on, related to, or connected with my participation in the event. I furthermore agree to indemnify and hold the released parties harmless from the payment of any and all judgments, settlements, costs, disbursements, and attorney fees associated with any released party having to defend or investigate any claim, action or proceeding of any type arising out of my participation in the event, including, but not limited to, claims for breach of contract, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise. My indemnification obligation and agreement to release from liability does not, however, absolve the released parties from any liability, damages, costs, disbursements, or attorney fees incurred due to their intentional or reckless conduct. I acknowledge that this release agreement is executed in exchange for the opportunity to participate in the event. I have read (or had read to me) this release agreement in its entirety and understand its implications. By voluntarily submitting this agreement, I understand that I may be giving up substantial rights. Nevertheless, I agree to be bound by its terms and warrant that I have the full authority and capacity to do so.