Become the Next Iggy: Student Tryout Information

LMU is searching for three creative and energetic students to join Team Iggy and perform as Iggy the Lion at athletics events, promotions, and other campus engagements. The ideal candidate will have excellent non-verbal communication skills, a creative and engaging personality, and an interest in sports. While experience in acting or performing as a mascot is preferred, it is not required. As the official university mascot, you will serve as a key brand ambassador for LMU.

You must be an LMU student for this role.

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In your response, share how you would embody Iggy’s personality and represent LMU as a brand ambassador. Include any experience that may be relevant.

This is a chance to show your personality and elaborate on your answer above!

Email submissions to:

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You must be an LMU student to be considered for this role.