Term Faculty Professional Development Funds

Eligibility: Term faculty with at least a 50% appointment and who have been employed at ISU as faculty for at least 1 year or 2 semesters may apply for this competitive funding. The years or semesters do not need to be consecutive. P&S staff with rank-only faculty appointments are not eligible. Applicants must be employed by ISU at time of participation in the conference/workshop. Awards: Each award consists of up to $1000 to be used for conference registration and/or travel costs. A $500 contribution from department, center, or college is required. Proposals are due at the SVPP office on •    May 1 for conferences/workshops taking place between July 1 and December 31 •    December 1 for conferences/workshops taking place between January 1 and June 30 Faculty will be notified of the outcome of their proposal within 3 weeks of the deadline. For questions, please contact Katharine Hensley (khensley@iastate.edu, 294-8823).

Applicant Information

(primary and secondary, if applicable)

(e.g., one year until fall 2015, three years until 2017)

Professional Development Opportunity

Please describe the type of professional development opportunity for which funds are requested (e.g., conference, workshop)

Please provide a brief description of the professional development opportunity.

Please describe your involvement in this event (e.g., poster or oral presentation, session chair or convener)

Please provide an abstract of the presentation with title and authorship (if available)

Describe briefly how your participation in this opportunity will impact your position responsibilities at ISU and your career.

Please provide approximate itemized budget including registration fee, travel (air or mileage), and lodging.

Have you sought other funds to support participation in this opportunity? If so, where did you apply, how much have you requested, and what is the status of the request?

Please describe whether or not matching funds will be provided by your department or college (or other).

Please provide the General University Worktag that you would like the funds transferred to.

Please upload the PDF document provided on our website signed by the applicant and the department chair.

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