Waverley Council

HIGH IMPACT Event Proposal

All Event Organisers are required to submit a Venue Hire Application Form for the use of Council owned or managed public spaces to hold a temporary event.


1. Ensure that you have read the following:


2. Fields on this form marked with an * are mandatory

3. Note this application is subject to approval by Waverley Council and does not constitute a booking. Applications will not be formally considered and assessment frameworks will not commence until the EVENT Application is lodged and the Event Application fee of $600 is paid. An invoice will be sent once application proposal has been received.

Applicants Details

Is your organisation registered as Not For Profit?*

Does the Applicant have experience managing events on a similar scale to the proposed event?

Event Proposal Details

Please provide a brief description of the proposed event (200 words or less)

Please provide a brief description of the aims and objectives of the event (200 words or less)

Please provide details (including anticipated price of tickets) if applicable.

Dates and times

Venue/ Location

Please provide your 1st preference, 2nd preference and 3rd preference (if applicable)

Patron/ Audience Information

eg age range etc

Purpose of the event

Food and Beverage

If applicable.

If applicable.

Sound Amplification

Please provide details of proposed sound system/s and operating hours (including sound check and rehearsal times) if applicable.

Proposed Infrastructure

Will your proposed event have hoeckers/ marquees/ fete stalls etc (structures)?

Number of Marquees*

What is the approximate total square meterage of structures?

(Please note that all marquees and structures must be weighted down and not pegged)

Please provide details of proposed stage/s including type of stage/s and approximate square meterage, if applicable.

All rides including jumping castles, if applicable.


If applicable.


Please note that adequate toilet facilities (including accessible units) will need to be provided at the event organiser's cost.

Please provide total number and types of toilets, if applicable.


Please note that water supply may be limited or unavailable.

If applicable.


If applicable.

Will the proposed event feature any additional elements or infrastructure not captured above? Please list below, if applicable.

Draft Site Plans

Your application must include a draft site plan of the proposed event, which must show the relative size of the proposed position of all event infrastructure and other key elements.

Access and Impact on Surrounding Area

Do you require any traffic management road closures for your event?

Will your event require the use of buses or the provision of additional bus services?

Is your event likely to impact upon any footpaths or businesses?

Will you require dedicated parking for your event (including bump in and bump out?

Please note that charges will be applied for parking.

Will your event require temporary removal or modification of any existing infrastructure?

If applicable

Sustainability Measures

Waverley Council requires all event organisers to minimise the environmental impact of their events and to implement strategies to improve the social benefits from events.

Please include details of measures you will implement to improve the sustainability of your event. This could relate to waste reduction and recycling, energy efficiency and promoting the use of public transport.

Please note: Single use plastics and balloons are NOT permitted at any events in the Waverley LGA.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Please detail below how your proposed event will promoted inclusivity and accessibility.

Event Proposal Conditions

All events in Waverley Council LGA are required to comply with Council's -

Event Policy,

Event Management and Delivery Guidelines and

Event Waste Management Guidelines.

Proposals are bound by DA consent requirements for temporary events.

Documentation Checklist

When submitting your application, please attach:

* Draft Site Plan

* Draft 'Event Management and Delivery Plan' that addresses the key elements of the proposed event.

(A detailed Event Management and Delivery Plan will need to be approved before an event approval can be issued.)


Drag and drop files here or

Approval Process / Next Steps

Once an event application has been received you will receive an acknowledgement from a Waverley Council Events Officer.

Following preliminary assessment of your proposed event, a Waverley Council Officer will contact you to advise whether your event may be permissible.

Council Event Officers will also advise whether any further information is required before preliminary assessment can take place.

Please note that High Impact 2 Events must be approved by Council's elected representatives at a meeting of Council.

IF Council's elected representatives approve the proposed event, Council Officers will work with the event organiser to develop a License Agreement and will provide advice upon the requirements of an Event Management and Delivery Plan.

Applicant Declaration

Please check each box below

Privacy Statement

Waverley Council (55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022) is collecting and holding your personal information for the purpose of processing your request or application.

The intended recipients of your personal information are Council officers and other service providers necessary to process your request or application, if applicable. We will not disclose your personal information to anybody else unless you have given consent, or we are authorised or required to do so by law.

This form is classified as open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and may be disclosed to members of the public on request.

If you do not provide your personal information, we may be unable to process your request or application. To access or correct your personal information, please contact info@waverley.nsw.gov.au or call 9083 8000.

For further details on how Council manages your personal information, please refer to the Privacy Management Plan on our website: waverley.nsw.gov.au/privacy.