Eligibility Check

This form is intended to give your organization a sense of whether it MAY be eligible for a ZAP grant and to help you learn more about ZAP eligibility. This form is not a confirmation of eligibility and new ZAP applicants should contact staff to discuss eligibility and the application and review process prior to applying.

Eligibility does not guarantee funding and a completed application must be submitted in order to be considered for funding. ZAP awards are on a competitive basis annually and are not guaranteed year to year.

501c3 Nonprofit Status*

Is your organization able to provide an IRS 501c3 Tax-Exemption Determination Letter for Nonprofits as proof of nonprofit status? Or is your organization a local arts agency officially designated by your municipality?


In order for an organization to be eligible for ZAP funding, the primary purpose of the organization must one of the eligibile disciplines. Primary Purpose means that more than 50% of the organization's activities are devoted to this purpose which should also be stated or referenced in some way in the organization's mission statement.


If your organization does not meet the discipline requirement above, you may apply for a specific project/program which fits within one of the eligible disciplines. However, if your organization chooses to submit a project/program application, you must keep separate books/records for what the ZAP grant funds will support.


Does your organization's primary purpose fit within one of the eligibile disciplines?

Salt Lake County

Does your organization present or host activities within Salt Lake County?

Open to the Public*

Are your organization's activities open to the general public? (Charging for an admission ticket is permissible, but it cannot be limited to certain segments of the population, e.g. 21+ only events.)

Funding Restrictions

ZAP policy limits the ways in which ZAP funds may be utilized. Review the list of Funding Restrictions to ensure your funding request is in compliance with policy limitations.


Funding Restrictions*

Can you confirm that your funding request excludes all items listed under Funding Restrictions?