CAS HR: Unpaid Appointment

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can be personal if no UO email

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Upload a copy of vitae for courtesy appointment (BUOXCO, BUOXPD) and upload a mentoring plan for all post-docs (BUOXPD). AND for Non-resident Aliens, also upload a copy of the J-1 application or, if none, evidence of funding for alternative visa classifications.

Supported File Formats:

Documents: .pdf, .docx, .txt, .rtf

Spreadsheets: .xlsx, .csv

Images: .png, .jpg, .gif

Drag and drop files here or

can be left blank

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A UO Sponsor is required for Courtesy appointments BUOXCO and BUOXPD

Add 3-4 key words to describe your request that will allow you to find it easily once submitted (e.g. payroll, WOC, student hire, etc.).