Environmental Review Request

Please fill in the required fields to begin or update an environmental review. For questions regarding this form or other submission requirements please contact Environmental Compliance Specialist Kim Siegel at Kim.Siegel@detroitmi.gov.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please include all addresses or parcel id numbers

You may select more than one if applicable

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

List all funding sources and development partners (private, federal, state, local, etc.) and the total project cost

HRD or DHC Project Manager

Include type of project (new construction, rehabilitation, etc.); maximum anticipated scope of the proposal (even if it isn’t solidified yet); size of the project (area coverage, number of units, population served, etc.); physical description of existing and/or proposed new buildings; timeframe for implementation.

Please upload any existing environmental due diligence documentation. Please note the upload limit is 30MB per file, with a maximum upload of 250MB total. Please reach out to Kim Siegel at Kim.Siegel@detroitmi.gov if upload limits are exceeded.

Drag and drop files here or