Graduate Assistant Checkout Form

This form is to be submitted by graduate assistants who are checking out from their graduate assistantship position.

Reasons for filling out this form include:

  • You are a graduate assistant resigning from your position.
  • You are a graduate assistant being terminated from your position.
  • You are a graduate assistant who is graduating from the University.

If resigning:

Please be aware that if you a graduate assistant resigning from your position, you should provide a letter of resignation to your assigned supervisor and to the Office of Graduate Studies. The intent to resign should be discussed with the supervisor before submitting a resignation letter to the Office of Graduate Studies.

For all students:

Cancellation or termination of a graduate assistant contract for any reason requires the graduate assistant to clear all financial obligations to the University and to return all University property associated with the graduate assistantship position. Please note that any obligations or returns must be completed to prevent the holding of your degree.

Obligations and returns may include:

  1. Student Financial Services: Payment of any financial obligations or bills required to be paid.
  2. Textbook Rental: Returns such as books and materials associated with your graduate assistantship.
  3. Kent Library: Returns of books/materials overdue or any checked out books/materials associated with your assistantship.
  4. Department: Returns of any University owned supplies, books, gradebooks, and equipment to your immediate supervisor.
  5. Facilities Management: Returns of any keys that you were provided for your assistantship.
  6. Accounts Payable: Returns of any Chrome River/Pcards to Accounts Payable (2848) located in Academic Hall 200.
  7. Human Resources: Obligation of listing your last day of work for your graduate assistantship on this form.