Region 6 Health Region Opportunity Center RFA

Trillium is developing Regional Community Hubs to support our members who live in communities that experience health disparities to access healthcare and resources that promote health. Trillium is seeking partners that will support the on the ground community development and organizing necessary to coordinate and organize the supports that already exists and to create supports for healthy living, life skills education, health literacy, access to telehealth and technology to increase digital literacy and improve health equity in areas that experience health disparities. This application is only for Tier I counties in the Region 6 Health region. Applicants must be non-profit 501 (c) 3. Priority will be given the Historically underutilized providers and organizations. Deadline for applications is September 16, 2024.

Describe the Partnerships and resources (facilities) that you have in place currently that are integral to the success of an opportunity center in the region. What additional community partners will be needed to support the opportunity center so that it can thrive after the initial funding?

Describe your vision for a partnership with Trillium that will address the health disparities and health equity issues for children and adults who are uninsured or underinsured, members of the Medicaid Tailored plan, Medicaid Direct or who receive state funding to address their behavioral health, IDD, Autism or TBI conditions. Describe how this vision will creatively address unmet needs in the region using a Hub and spoke framework. Be specific about how the partnership will address health literacy, health equity, digital equity and digital literacy. Provide additional detail about the focus for children and adults that may also have justice system involvement, live in marginalized communities, experience barriers to healthcare access, food access, are unhoused or unaccepted.

Describe your marketing strategy for the opportunity center and programming in the communities it serves.

Please include a high level budget that shows the Administrative Costs, Renovation and/or Facilities rent Costs, Staff positions that will be needed for ongoing operations of the opportunity center. Ongong operational costs separate from staff costs.

Describe how your opportunity center will recruit community members as volunteers to support programming. How will you develop pathway for internships specifically targeting HBCUs and local community college students and high school students interested in health care. What will your opportunity center do to elevate and create a viable healthcare workforce for the future.

Describe the long term funding resources that you will tap into for sustainability of the opportunity center.

The opportunity center is based on a hub and spoke framework. Please identify the county that will be the hub of your project and the counties that will be the spokes. Please include other sites that you may leverage in community such as churches, schools, afterschool programs for youth, recreation centers, etc in your response.

Please tell us anything else that you feel we should know about your vision of an opportunity center and the value it will bring the areas you have described so far in this application.