Overture Diversity Network Meeting

Belfast 2024 - Application Form

By completing this form, you are expressing your interest in participating in the 2024 Overture Diversity Network Meeting. Please note that participation confirmation or rejection will be communicated to you once we review your application.


Before you start filling out this form, please make sure you:

  1. Have the an endorsement letter from your organisation’s International Commissioner, in a written, uploadable format.
  2. Have completed SfH 1: Safe from Harm Essential Learnings, and have the certificate ready to upload here.


  • When: Friday 7th to Sunday 9th June 2024
  • Where: Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
  • Venue: Crawfordsburn Scout Centre
  • Cost: Two options are available
  • Indoor accommodation. This option follows the WOSM NSO event fee category by country. A table overview of the fee categories by country can be found here.
  • Cat. A: EUR €60
  • Cat. B: EUR €70
  • Cat. C: EUR €85
  • Cat. D: EUR €105
  • EUR €65 for outdoor accommodation

UPDATE: Application deadline has been extended. Please complete this form by May 19th.



We have two accommodation options available for our event: Indoor dorm style rooms, and Camping. The indoor options provide a comfortable and sheltered way to stay dry during our event, while camping offers an outdoor experience for those who want to be closer to our Scouting and Guiding roots. Both options have access to restroom and shower facilities.

Please note that availability of indoor and outdoor accommodation spaces is limited, and confirmation of your preferred option will be provided after you complete the registration process.

For those staying indoors: Bedding will be provided in dormitory style bunk rooms, with between 4 to 8 beds per room.

For those camping: Tents will be provided - one tent per person. Please bring your own sleeping gear.



Please check your visa requirements before booking your travel. If you’re flying to Belfast, you will need a visa for entry to the United Kingdom. If you’re flying to Dublin, you will need a visa for entry to the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. If you require a visa for the Republic of Ireland and/or the United Kingdom, we can assist you with the process if needed.


Payment of Event Fees:

Once offered a place, we will provide you with the final fee and payment details. Then, to complete the process, all participants must pay in full in order to confirm registration for the event.


Additional Information:

Should you have questions or require additional information please contact Tomás Arias (tomas.arias@scouts.org.uk) from the Host Team, or Graham Coulson (graham.coulson@scouts.org.uk), the Overture Diversity Network Ambassador