Schwartz Award
Deadline: 4/15/24 at 5:00 pm
Instructions and information:
Undergraduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are invited to submit original manuscripts for the Alfred N. Schwartz Prize competition. The award promotes excellence in agricultural journalism. Open to all CALS students.
Acceptable entries include original manuscripts suitable for publication in a newspaper or magazine. Audio tapes, scripts, or video tapes suitable for broadcast on radio or TV are equally acceptable. Information that is written for posting on a computer network would also receive full consideration. Previously published or broadcast material is welcomed. Please note, academic papers and reports and not accepted.
- Application requires a resume, personal statement, and two on-campus references with contact information.
- Name your files: Award Name_Last Name, First Initial, i.e. "AnsonH.Rowe_Smith, J._Resume"
All applications must include the information below:
- Completed Application
- Resume
- Name and email of two references (on campus)
- Personal statement showcasing your work towards promoting excellence in agricultural journalism and explaining the origins of the submitted manuscript.
- An original manuscript suitable for publication in a newspaper, magazine, scripts, or online forum (audio or video are equally acceptable). Previously published or broadcast material is welcomed.