Petition Adjunct Professional Growth Hourly Incentive

Pursuant to the Faculty Contract Article A.6.b.3 adjunct faculty may be paid the non-teaching hourly rate for up to 6 hours per fiscal year for completion of on-campus professional development workshops. These include: New Adjunct Faculty Orientation (one time only), participation in FLEX Day activities, or attendance at POD workshops approved by Salary and Leaves. A list of pre-approved district sponsored workshops can be found on the POD website Please complete this form for each workshop you would like to submit for PGH. (Note: Workshops attended prior to August 1, 2018, do not qualify for this incentive)

Please ensure you include "A" and is a total of nine (9) characters

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Fiscal Year of Workshop*

Fiscal year annually runs July 1st - June 30th.

Provide a brief rationale as to how this workshop is directly related to your basic assignment, will be of direct benefit to the College, and/or will meet some educational need of students. Please complete this section unless the workshop attended was New Adjunct Faculty Orientation or a FLEX Day session.

By checking this box I certify that I have attended the above workshop and I have NOT requested (and will not) request reassigned time, reimbursement of expenses, or compensation for this workshop from Mt. San Antonio College.