GEMS Program Reimbursement Requests
Faculty Last Name
Faculty First Name
UVA Computing ID
Date of Expense
Calendar Icon
Amount of Expense
Purpose of this expense (pick 1) - 1. Expenses incurred to meet with a new external mentor, sponsor, or funder away from teh Charlottesville area (your travel expenses or other expenses while away) or 2. Expenses incurred to meet with a new external mentor, sponsor, or funder in the Charlottesville area (their travel expenses or other expenses to host the visitor)
Select or enter value
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Caret symbol
Name of Mentor / Sponsor / Funder
Title of Mentor / Sponsor / Funder
Mentor / Sponsor / Funder's Instl Affiliation
Email address of Mentor / Sponsor / Funder
Date of Meeting
Calendar Icon
Location of Meeting
What was the purpose of your meeting?
How will you build upon this meeting moving forward? What are the next steps for you and the new mentor/sponsor/funder?
In submitting this request for reimbursement, I am attesting to the fact that: a) I incurred this expense for the sole purpose of establishing a mentoring relationship with a NEW external mentor, sponsor, or funder (not with someone who is currently part of my mentor network) to support my success as a faculty member at UVA and b) this expense is not reimbursable under a grant or other funds available to me.
Please upload your receipts - required for reimbursement
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