One single PDF file of PROPOSAL TO UPLOAD
I. Cover Page (one page)
• Proposal Title
• Lead PI’s name, position, department, school, email
• Submitting unit
• Key personnel (co-PIs) names, rank, department, school, email
• Indicate proposal topic areas (select one)
- Therapeutics
- Devices/Diagnostics
- Health IT/Data Sciences/Analytics
- Other
II. Lay Summary (0.5 pages)
Clearly summarize:
• the unmet need
• the potential for the proposed work to enable critical advances towards meeting this need
• the next steps, both near-term and longer-term, that may be needed to translate/commercialize the work
III. Project Summary Slide (using this PowerPoint template)
IV. Project Description (maximum length of 3 pages, including references)
• Vision - including potential societal impacts.
• Background
- Explain how your approach compares to current state-of-the art
- Describe the status of your work including key results and data
- Describe how your approach addresses the barriers and gaps towards achieving a solution.
• Justification for Support – with an explanation of why the project is not a strong candidate for other support.
• Research Strategy
- Describe your one-year research plan, breaking down your strategy into milestones
- Explain how achieving the milestones is critical to translation/commercialization
- Describe your plans to seek follow-on external funding, highlighting how your milestone outcomes could enable this future funding
• Translation Plan
- Describe how your project can be translated/commercialized
- Include information on market opportunity, size, estimated timeline, and competitors
• Team - including expertise and contribution of key team members.
• References – can use 9-point font size; not to exceed 0.25 pages.
V. If this is a resubmission from a previous round, please include a description of how this proposal addresses the prior feedback. (maximum length of 1 page)
VI. Detailed budget (use the Excel template)
• Examples of allowable direct expense categories: faculty salary, postdocs, research staff, supplies, fee for service, PhD students funded as Research Assistants [See this Sponsored Research resource for budget guidance.]
• Examples of non-allowable direct expense categories: F&A, administrative support, and subawards.
VII. Budget justification
VIII. NIH Biosketch for each participating key personnel faculty member
IX. Endorsement letter by Chair or the Center Director