Preclinical Investigator - Community Partnership Intake Form

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in engaging communities, patients, clinicians or other non-academic stakeholders in your research. The purpose of this form is to collect basic information about the study or project in which you would like to involve community or patient collaborators. Your responses enable our team to determine whether we can identify prospective partners and relevant training needs.

The purpose of this program is to facilitate development of user-centric design of new drugs, devices and diagnostics early in the development process by matching preclinical investigators with community, clinical or patient representatives who may one day be impacted by your work. We define "preclinical research" as any line of study that does not involve clinical care but is clearly translational to humans. Preclinical studies may involve human biospecimens, imaging or other diagnostic results, animal models and tissue cultures.

The duration of any matched preclinical-community research team is expected to be approximately 12 months, though teams may complete their scope of work earlier or decide to continue working together. Upon completion of this form, which should take 5-10 minutes, our team will review your responses and respond with any questions and next steps within a week or so. If you have any questions, please contact Sonia Bishop at

Thanks, again for your interest in working with communities!