Northern California Ministry Log

These categories often overlap in ministry. Choose which category that fits best. The first year you are simply noting where most of your time is spent. In the following years, in order to develop a spectrum of pastoral competencies, you are recommended to aim for the following breakdowns: - Preaching, Teaching, Discipleship - 50% - Administrative - 10% - Pastoral Care - 10% - Outreach - 10% - Compassionate Ministry - 10% - Other - 10%

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Preaching includes sermon preparation, writing, practicing and delivering etc..,


Teaching includes all hours and efforts of preparation, teaching, and notes Sunday school small groups etc..,)


Discipleship includes all the hours of discipling in any capacity.


Administration hours includes office or clerical work.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care hours includes phone calls, visitation or any other means of caring for the congregation.


Outreach hours includes any engagements with the community.

Compassionate Ministry

Compassionate ministry includes caring for the poor, marginalized, sick outside the church walls.

Other Activities

Other activities includes anything not mentioned above.