Canfor High School Scholarship Program: Nominations Portal
Canfor is proud to support high school graduates from our operating communities who are pursuing post-secondary education in eligible degree or trades foundation programs related to our business operations.
Canfor offers up to a maximum of four $1,000 scholarships per school based on the size of the graduating class and annual scholarship program allocations:
- Less than 50 students: 1 award
- 50 to 100 students: 2 awards
- 100 to 150 students: 3 awards
- More than 150 students: 4 awards
Once your school has completed the review of student applications, please complete this form to nominate each student for the award.
A separate nomination form is required for each student being nominated. If you receive more applications than your maximum eligible awards (see above), you may submit an additional two nominations for Canfor's Selection Committee to consider
Nomination deadline is:
- U.S.A. - April 12, 2024
- Canada - May 3, 2024
Your school, and selected award recipients, will be notified of their successful scholarships prior to the end of the school year (USA by April 30th and Canada by May 24th). Students will receive their scholarship cheques directly, upon proof of post-secondary program registration.
If you have any questions please email