Customer Service Request
To report an accident/incident go to the Origami Portal and select Submit a New Incident.
Please select from the options below.
Enter your contact information below.
Please provide a description of your request (e.g., safety hazards; indoor air quality, odors; etc.) EHS will receive your request, process it, and respond as soon as possible.
Supervisors click the link Cart Training Request to request cart training for your employees.
If you will be hosting an outdoor event, please fill out the Event Safety Review Form.
If you are requesting a Haz Waste pick-up, fill out Waste Removal Form
If you are requesting an Ergonomics Evaluation fill out the Ergonomic Evaluation Request
Upload any supporting documents, pictures, etc.
Environmental, Health & Safety
NRC 1100, Unit 5876
(361) 825-5555