Riparian Grant Program
The Washington State Conservation Commission is now accepting applications for the Riparian Grant Program.
Conservation districts are encouraged to submit one application form for all project types and funds requested. Funds requested must be broken out by project type.
All applications will be evaluated for completeness, applicability of proposed work against program guidelines, and eligible activities. Responses to the questions below are not scored with associated points for each one but are reviewed carefully as described above.
Funding will be allocated on a rolling basis and will continue for as long as funds remain available. Work must begin on all funded proposals within 120 days of the award of funding.
See the Riparian Grant Program webpage for the guidelines and additional information.
For questions, please contact your regional manager.
Applications are not currently being accepted for tiered incentive or permanent protection projects under the Riparian Grant Program while SCC evaluates the program in preparation for updated guidelines in May 2025. Please check back as this program is revised in preparation for the 25-27 biennium for updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback.
This program has been funded wholly by Climate Commitment Act associated funding. The Climate Commitment Act (RCW 70A.65) created a market-based program to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the next few decades. A portion of the revenues are directed into the Natural Climate Solutions Account and were distributed into several standing grant programs, including this riparian specific program. Funding comes with additional reporting, assessment, and tribal consultation requirements. The Governor’s Office and state agencies plan to engage tribes on how best to meet these requirements.
Any SCC grant program that is funded by the Climate Commitment Act, the statute (RCW 70A.65.305) requires that applicants notify, “all affected federally recognized Tribes within the project area,” about their proposed project as early as possible prior to approval of funding.
All additional information, including instructions, resources and a letter template, can be found at