Delegation to Council Request Form

If you wish to delegate (speak) to Council, please complete the following form, which will be submitted to the Clerk's Office for review and confirmation.

Delegations are permitted ten (10) minutes to speak as per the Town’s Procedural By-law 012-24.

1. Non-agenda Items must be submitted by 12:00 NOON, the Friday before a regular Council Meeting.

2. Agenda Items must be submitted by 12:00 NOON, the Monday before a Council Meeting.

Clerk Services will confirm that your request has been received/approved. The delegation order will be confirmed on the day of the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact

Meetings are held in person in the Council Chambers, or you can participate via ZOOM. Meeting details are provided the day of the meeting.

***Disclaimer: Please note that submission of this form does not guarantee the approval of your request. In addition, all information submitted will be considered to be public information and, therefore, subject to full disclosure under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information collected on this form is authorized under the Town’s Procedural By-law 011-24 and will be used to contact individuals and/or organizations requesting to appear before Council. The name(s) of the delegate(s) will be published as part of the meeting agenda which is also posted on the Town’s website.