Life Registration Application Form

A registrant may apply for Life Registration with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (the College) if the Registrant is in good standing, has been registered to practise naturopathy in Ontario for 25 years, and has retired from the practise of naturopathy. This status may be granted by the College to a registrant in recognition of their long-standing role in the profession.

Registrants granted this recognition are publicly identified by the addition of their status after their ND designation, appearing as Naturopathic Doctor (Retired), Naturopath (Retired), ND(Ret), Docteur en naturopathie (Retraité), Naturopathe (Retraité), or DN (Ret). If a Life Registrant was registered in the General class prior to being awarded this status, the registrant is required to retain enduring Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) coverage in the amount listed in the by-laws, for at least five years after ceasing to practise the profession.


When to Submit Your Application

Any Registrant wishing to obtain Life Registration may do so at any time, including during the Registration Renewal period. If you wish to retire from the profession before having to complete the annual registration renewal process, please ensure your application and supporting documents are submitted to the College no later than March 15.

Important Information

Before you submit your request, please review the following information carefully.

Life Registrant is a designation set out in the by-laws of the College and is not a class of registration. Individuals who are granted the designation retain certain privileges; however, they are not full registrants of the College who have been granted a Certificate of Registration and may not practise the profession.

If you retire from the College and subsequently wish to return to the profession in Ontario, you will be required to apply as a new applicant. This means that you will be required to meet all registration requirements in effect at the time of your application, including (but not limited to) the entry-to-practise examinations.

Additional information regarding these examinations is available in the Entry-to-Practise Exams section of the Applicants tab of the College website.

Process for Life Registration

The process for seeking Life Registration involves the completion of this on-line Application and signing an Acknowledgement and Undertaking (An Agreement) with the College.

The College’s by-laws require that a registrant carry enduring (tail) insurance for a period of five years following the last date that they practised. To enable the processing of your Life Registration application, you will be required to provide evidence of your enduring (tail) insurance coverage (i.e., a copy of your insurance certificate and proof of payment for the insurance premiums covering the full five-year period effective from the date you ceased/or will cease practising the profession, which will be the effective date of your request).

Annual payment of premiums will not be permitted.

Decision Making Process

Recent changes to the College’s by-laws instituted an expedited approach to Life Registrant applications. Upon receipt of the application and agreement and undertaking, along with the supporting documentation provided, the application will be reviewed by the College’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). If the CEO is satisfied that all requirements are met, the application will be approved, and Life Registrant status granted. Registrants will be informed of the outcome and the ND Register updated.

If the CEO has doubts about whether a Registrant meets the requirements for Life Registrant status, the application will be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee for consideration. Registrants will be informed of the referral; however, no action is required on their part.

Should you require any further information regarding this process, please contact the registration department at or 416-583-6002.


In this part, information is to be provided in support of the processing of your application to retire your certificate of registration.

1.1. Information About You

Please provide the following information about you as it currently appears in the public register.

Please enter your Registration Number with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario

Please enter your first name as it appears on the public register (Naturopath Search) on the College's website.

Please enter your middle name, if applicable, as it appears on the public register (Naturopath Search) on the College's website.

Please enter your last name as it appears on the public register (Naturopath Search) on the College's website.

Please enter your email address

As a Life Registrant the College understands that you will have retired from the profession and therefore will not have a practice location. Please provide a residential address where the College can contact you for notifications as necessary.

1.2. Practice Status Information

Please provide the following information to assist the College in reviewing your application. You are strongly encouraged to review the Public Register (Naturopath Search) on the College's website to gather the details of your current registration.

Current Class*

Please enter your current class of registration.

Practise Status*

Which of the following currently applies to your status?

Please enter the date you intend to cease practising the profession.

Please enter the date you stopped practising the profession.

Please enter the date by which you wish the life registration (retired) status to take effect. If applying during the renewal period, the date should be no later than March 31 and your complete submission should be received no later than the first week of March, otherwise you will be required to pay your registration fee for the year and fees are non-refundable.

1.3. Location of Patient Files

A patient has a legal right of access to their naturopathic file that you have used for 10 years beyond its last use, longer if they were under 18 years of age when you were treating them.

To enable access for patients to their records, the College is required to publish the location of your patient files after you have retired. Please complete the following questions to allow your patients to access their files.

File Location*

Please indicate how a patient may access their patient files after your resignation take effect. Registrants in the Inactive class of registration prior to resigning must enter patient file location details in the required fields if selecting previous practice location from the options provided.

Caret IconCaret symbol

1.4. Professional Liability Insurance

The College's by-laws require that a Registrant carry enduring (tail) insurance for a period of five years following the last date that they practise (i.e., effective date of Life Registration). This insurance has to be arranged with your provider and the premium paid in full in advance.

Please see Professional Liability Insurance for more information on the requirements.

Last Date Practised*
Supporting Documents*

As a result of your having practised in Ontario within the past five (5) years and immediately prior to ceasing to practise the profession you are required to have enduring (tail) insurance that covers you five (5) years from the date you ceased practising. Documentation required includes a Certificate of Enduring (Tail) Liability Insurance AND proof of premium paid for the full duration of the coverage period. Please indicate how you will be providing the required documents to the College.

Drag and drop files here or

1.5. College Activities

Registrants registered to practice the profession for more than 25 years in Ontario have a wide array of knowledge and experience, and the College recognizes the contribution a Life Registrants can continue to make. There are several ways a Life Registrants may participate in the activities of the College. A Registrant may contact the College at

any time about volunteering.



As part of your Life Registration process, you are entering into an Acknowledgement & Undertaking (an agreement) with the College. This is a legal document and, although it is being completed on-line, it is binding on you as though you have signed a paper copy of the document.

Please take you time and review each provision of the following Acknowledgement & Undertaking and either check the box if you acknowledge the statement or indicate whether you agree or do not agree to the provision.

Practise Status

By applying for Life Registration, I acknowledge that:

  1. I have been registered as a naturopath in Ontario for at least 25 years;
  2. I am in good standing with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (the “College”);
  3. I am currently retired or planning to retire from the practice of naturopathy; and
  4. I will no longer engage in the practise of naturopathy.

Life Registration Entitlement

I acknowledge that should I be granted Life Registration by the Registration Committee of the College pursuant to s. 23.01 of the College by-laws, I will be entitled to:

  1. remain on the register of the College as a Life Registrant;
  2. maintain Life Registration status with the College without being required to pay any fees;
  3. participate in the activities of the College except voting in the election of Council or running for election to Council; and
  4. use the title Naturopathic Doctor (Retired) or designation ND (Ret).

Use of Modified Restricted Title

I acknowledge that should I be granted Life Registration by the Registration Committee of the College, I shall be required to include (Retired) or (Retraité) or (Ret) after I use the title Naturopathic Doctor or designation ND.

Termination of Status

I acknowledge that my Life Registration may be terminated immediately by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), pursuant to section 23.03 of the College by-laws, without any recourse to a hearing, if the CEO has reasonable grounds to believe that any one of the following occurred:

  1. I am found to be default of any obligations to the College under the regulations or by-laws;
  2. I am found to be practising the profession or using the improper professional title without first obtaining authorization from the College;
  3. I become the subject of a finding of professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity; or
  4. I act in a manner which is inconsistent with an ongoing association with the College.

Enduring (tail) insurance*

I acknowledge and agree that, in accordance with the College by-laws, I shall maintain enduring insurance for at least five (5) years after the date on which I last saw/treated a patient. I understand that I must notify the College within two business days of any change to my enduring liability protection, understanding my Life Registration status may be terminated if my coverage lapses in accordance with section 23.03 of the College by-laws.

Resignation to take effect*

I acknowledge and agree that my life registration is not effective until the College notifies me in writing that it has taken effect and the date on which it came into effect.

Good Character*

I acknowledge and agree that I am responsible, at all times, for providing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with details of any new information pertaining to findings of guilt, current proceedings, other registrations, or any other issue related to good character. I understand I must provide any new information to the CEO within 30 days and that this requirement continues regardless of my class or status of registration.

Information Verification

I acknowledge and agree that the College may make such inquiries as it deems appropriate for evaluating my application for Life Registration with the College.

Acknowledgement of Process*

I acknowledge and agree that I must continue to identify as a Registrant in my current class of registration and that I am responsible for meeting all related registration requirements, including payment of any fees required by the College, until such time as I have received written notification from the College advising me otherwise.

No longer able to Practise*

I acknowledge and agree that as soon as my resignation takes effect, my certificate of registration is forfeited and I will not be entitled to hold myself out as a person who is qualified to practise in Ontario as a Naturopath, perform any of the authorized controlled acts as set out in the Naturopathy Act, 2007.

Resume to Practise*

I acknowledge and agree that should I wish to return to the profession (in Ontario) after I resign, I must apply to the College for a new certificate of registration and must meet the entry-to-practise requirements for registration in force at that time.

Information on the Register*

I acknowledge and agree that my information will remain on the College’s Public Register once my life registration takes effect for a period of time as set out in the College by-laws, and that the information will include a notation that I have retired and the date it took effect.


I acknowledge and agree that in the event that the College should become aware that I am in breach of this Acknowledgement & Undertaking, the College will be entitled to rely upon this Acknowledgement & Undertaking in any registration, investigation, discipline, injunction or other similar proceeding.

Continuing Jurisdiction*

I acknowledge and agree that after I resign, I remain subject to the jurisdiction of the College for professional misconduct and incompetence referable to the time when I was a Registrant and for the enforcement of this and any other Agreements & Undertakings into which I may have voluntarily entered with the College.

Return/Destruction of Certificate*

I acknowledge and agree that all copies of my certificate of registration must be returned to the College or I need to send confirmation to the College that I have destroyed them.

Responsible for Costs & Fees*

I acknowledge that I shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc., that I may incur if any, arising from my implementation of any of the terms of this Acknowledgement & Undertaking.


I acknowledge and agree that I understand the terms of this Acknowledgement & Undertaking and that I have had the opportunity to clarify any of them prior to agreeing to them.

Independent Legal Advice*

I am signing this Acknowledgement and Undertaking voluntarily and without compulsion or duress.




I hereby declare that the information I have provided in this form is accurate to the best of my abilities and that I will immediately notify the College in the event that any of the information changes until such time as my resignation takes effect.


By checking the box below, you are affixing a signature to this form and indicating that this form and the information contained herein is bound directly to you.

I have completed this undertaking on the date noted.

Submission Copy

Below is a check box to receive a copy of your submission. It is highly recommended that you check this box and enter your e-mail address. This will enable the on-line system to send you a copy of the information that you have provided to the College.