When to Submit Your Application
Any Registrant wishing to obtain Life Registration may do so at any time, including during the Registration Renewal period. If you wish to retire from the profession before having to complete the annual registration renewal process, please ensure your application and supporting documents are submitted to the College no later than March 15.
Important Information
Before you submit your request, please review the following information carefully.
Life Registrant is a designation set out in the by-laws of the College and is not a class of registration. Individuals who are granted the designation retain certain privileges; however, they are not full registrants of the College who have been granted a Certificate of Registration and may not practise the profession.
If you retire from the College and subsequently wish to return to the profession in Ontario, you will be required to apply as a new applicant. This means that you will be required to meet all registration requirements in effect at the time of your application, including (but not limited to) the entry-to-practise examinations.
Additional information regarding these examinations is available in the Entry-to-Practise Exams section of the Applicants tab of the College website.
Process for Life Registration
The process for seeking Life Registration involves the completion of this on-line Application and signing an Acknowledgement and Undertaking (An Agreement) with the College.
The College’s by-laws require that a registrant carry enduring (tail) insurance for a period of five years following the last date that they practised. To enable the processing of your Life Registration application, you will be required to provide evidence of your enduring (tail) insurance coverage (i.e., a copy of your insurance certificate and proof of payment for the insurance premiums covering the full five-year period effective from the date you ceased/or will cease practising the profession, which will be the effective date of your request).
Annual payment of premiums will not be permitted.
Decision Making Process
Recent changes to the College’s by-laws instituted an expedited approach to Life Registrant applications. Upon receipt of the application and agreement and undertaking, along with the supporting documentation provided, the application will be reviewed by the College’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). If the CEO is satisfied that all requirements are met, the application will be approved, and Life Registrant status granted. Registrants will be informed of the outcome and the ND Register updated.
If the CEO has doubts about whether a Registrant meets the requirements for Life Registrant status, the application will be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee for consideration. Registrants will be informed of the referral; however, no action is required on their part.
Should you require any further information regarding this process, please contact the registration department at or 416-583-6002.