Procurement Policy Exemption Requests

Please Read

Competitive Bidding Requirements:

Purchases $20,000 or greater are subject to competitive bidding requirements. For more information see: Plan & Buy. For more information on Exemptions University Policy 6130.

*Use this form for the following Exemption Request Types. If your Exemption Request is approved, attach the approval email or documents to your Purchase Requisition or Pcard documentation:

  • Exemption from Using a Mandatory State Contract

  • Sole Source Bidding Exemption

  • Scientific Equipment for Research Bidding Exemption

  • Emergency Purchase

Contact Information

Caret IconCaret symbol

Enter the name of the supplier you wish to use

Enter the actual or estimated cost of the purchase

Select the Buyer who works with your department or select "I'm not sure"

Caret IconCaret symbol
Are you using Sponsored Project Funds?*

Grants/Contracts managed by OSP

4 Digit Field (example: 8000)

13 Digit field (example: 200000123)

Exemption Request Type*

Exemption Request Type*

Exemption From Using a State Contract

*If approved, Purchases $20,000 and greater will require competitive bidding.

Select all that apply.

If any cost savings are being generated by this exemption, the number here (e.g. 150)

Enter justification details for requesting an Exemption from Using a Mandatory State Contract

Emergency Purchase

See University Policy 6130, section 6.5 Emergency Purchases

In an unexpected or unforeseen emergency that presents a real, immediate or extreme threat to proper performance of essential University functions, or expected result in excessive loss or damage to property, other resources and/or bodily injury or loss of life.

Sole Source Bidding Exemption Request

Boise State University Purchasing Policy #6130, Section IV

Boise State University Purchasing Policy #6130, Section IV states that the University Purchasing Director may waive the

competitive bid process on a request by a department to restrict a purchase to one potential Vendor. Sole source purchases

are normally not allowed except when based upon strong technological grounds such as operational compatibility with existing

equipment and related parts or upon a clearly unique and cost effective feature requirement.

Sole source purchases are defined as clearly and reasonably limited to a single Vendor. The use of sole source purchases

shall be limited to those specific instances that are justified to satisfy compatibility, technical performance needs, or other

unique circumstances where only one Vendor possesses the unique and singularly available capability to meet the product

or service requirement.

Procurements of products/services for which the requesting department has established a standard by designating a brand

or manufacturer or by pre-approving via a testing does not justify a sole source purchase if there is more than one potential

Bidder or Offeror for the item(s). Rather, this is a sole product or brand-name-only request which shall be competitively bid

since there is more than one potential Vendor of the item.**

*Procurement of items for which the department has established a standard by designating a brand or manufacturer by pre-aproving via testing shall be competitively bid if there is more than one supplier of the item.

Please answer each ot the follwing quetions in detail

(Patents/copyrights, need compatibility with existing—why?

Space constraints, must match equipment with another agency or department, consequences if this were put out for bid, etc.)

7. Will this purchase tie us to a particular Supplier for future purchases?*

(Either in terms of maintenance that only this Vendor will be able to perform and/or if we purchase this item, will we then need more “like” items in the future to match this one?)

8. Will this purchase tie us to a particular Supplier for software and or software maintenance?*

Does it need to be renewable?


My recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in

the best interest of the University. My personal familiarity with particular brands, types of equipment, materials or firms has

not been a deciding influence in my request to sole source this purchase when there are other Vendors known to exist.


I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities, favors or

compromising actions have taken place. I certify that no personal advantage will accrue to me or any member of my

immediate family as a result of this procurement.


I am aware Boise State Purchasing Policy requires procurements (exceeding $20,000) to be competitively bid. The

supporting statements are complete and accurate, based on my professional judgment and investigations. I affirm that no

other Vendor can provide the same or a similar product/service.

Scientific Equipment Research Exemption from Bidding

Boise State University Purchasing Policy #6130, Section V. F.

Boise State University Purchasing Policy #6130, Section V. F. states that in lieu of competitive bidding, and when not covered by a State open contract, negotiations may be conducted when the purchase is for experimental, developmental or research work, or for the manufacture or furnishing of property for experimentation, development, research or test.

The goal of this exemption is to maximize the value of the benefit commensurate with the degree of effort, time available, and price reasonableness. Authorized purchasers must use prudent business judgment in evaluating the value of exercising the exemption in lieu of competition.

Each purchase made under this exemption must include this form as justification identifying the need for the identified scientific equipment; citing various sources utilizing the equipment, such as other institutions doing similar research; or documenting demonstrations at conferences, trade shows or similar events where the equipment has been shown to best meet the needs of the research project objectives.

List specific research/grants (if additional to grant listed above) on which this equipment will be utilized:

(Professional opinions/correspondence, trade publications, demonstrations at conferences, trade shows, or similar events, visits to, or correspondence with, other institutions that have installed the same product, site visitations, etc. where the equipment has been shown to best meet the needs of the research project objectives.) Include phone numbers, contact names, dates, and attach quotes where applicable.


My recommendation for this purchase is based upon an objective review of the product required to meet the research project objectives and appears to be in the best interest of the University. My personal familiarity with particular brands, types of equipment, materials, or firms has not been the sole deciding influence on my request to make this purchase when there are other Vendors known to exist.


I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities, favors or compromising action have taken place. I certify that no personal advantage will accrue to me or any member of my immediate family as a result of this procurement.


I am aware that Boise State Purchasing Policy requires procurements (exceeding $20,000) to be competitively bid. The supporting statements are complete and accurate, based on my professional judgment and investigations.

Links and Attachments

Please attach all relevant documents: quotes, SARB approval, and other supporting documentation.

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