Fee Adjustment Appeal Form
Deadlines for Fee Adjustment Appeals:
Fall Semester – February 20 of following year
Spring Semester – October 15 of same year
Maymester, Summer(Full), Summer I, Summer II and Summer III FC– December 1 of same year
Appeals received after the stated deadlines will not be considered.
Students requesting a fee adjustment for courses must be withdrawn (grade of 'W') from the course(s) before an appeal for fee adjustment may be considered. Students whose appeals are submitted while enrolled in courses will be notified to withdraw from the course prior to consideration.
Fee Adjustment Appeals are submitted online to the Office of the Registrar. Supporting documentation is required before your appeal can be processed. Please email documentation to OTR@apsu.edu or bring to Ellington 316. Documents will not be considered after the status of your appeal has been determined If additional information is needed, a request will be made to the student’s official APSU e-mail account.
Except for traffic citations and Housing & Residence Life charges, other University fees, charges, or refunds may be appealed on this form. The appeal form for traffic citations is available online. The form for appeals for Housing and Residence Life charges is also available online.
The University fee adjustment policy is based entirely upon the official date of the withdrawal or change of course which would result in a fee adjustment. Fee adjustments beyond the specified dates or percentages indicated in the Academic Calendar will be made only for reasons published by the University, and only when convincing documentation supports the appeal. Your explanation should attempt to show why an exception is justified. Requests that simply disagree with the acceptable reasons and schedule are not considered
The Office of the Registrar will determine if proper University procedures have been followed; all documentation is reviewed by the Assistant Provost/University Registrar. A written decision will be sent to the student’s official APSU e-mail. Please note: This process usually takes 2-3 weeks due to the research conducted on each request submitted.
If you are not satisfied with the decision at this level, you may appeal the decision, in writing, within ten (10) business days of the date of this email, to the Fee Adjustment Appeals Committee. The Committee meets two times each fall and spring semester and will review further the circumstances and provide a written decision to those matters being appealed. The decision of the Fee Adjustment Appeals Committee may be appealed in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Finance, Browning 130. A decision will be reached within 15 business days. The appeal process is then concluded.