Mt. SAC Smartsheet Request Form

• The fee for Smartsheet is $351/per license. Please work with your department budget manager to approve the license fee prior to completing this request. • Complete the User Information section. • Include your manager's name and email address at the end of the form. Your manager will receive an email notification requesting approval of your request. • Your acknowledgement and (print) signature will constitute you have read and accept the agreement. • New Smartsheet accounts require a minimum purchase of 5 licenses per order. Based on pending requests, your license may be delayed until there are 5 license requests that can be grouped together for purchase.

Please note, Smartsheet licenses fees are paid by the requestor's department and the department will be billed annually. Please provide the FOAP (Fund, Organization, Account, and Program) used to pay for the $351 license fee. If unknown, please contact your Budget M anager or Department Administrator.

User Acceptance

By signing this form, I acknowledge that College systems may contain sensitive information. Non-adherence to Federal Law, State Law, and College Policies and Procedures can possibly result in criminal and civil penalties and loss of employment:

Please provide your managers name for approval of this request.

Please provide your managers email for approval of this request.