AIRP Visiting Faculty Application

The AIRP visiting faculty (AVF) positions at the AIRP are designed to support the AIRP mission through education, consultation and research. Visiting faculty member have the unique opportunity to review numerous interesting cases submitted to the AIRP by course attendees. AIRP feels that study of the pathologic basis of abnormal radiologic images is enhanced through review of case material and lectures.

The AIRP visiting faculty are appointed by section heads who are appointed by the AIRP Physician-in-Chief. Sections are divided as follows: breast imaging (BI), cardiothoracic imaging (CT), gastrointestinal imaging (GI), genitourinary imaging (GU), musculoskeletal imaging (MS), neuroradiology (NR), nuclear medicine (NM), and pediatric imaging (PD). The ACR supports the AIRP with both staff and financial resources.

Please visit the AIRP web page for additional details regarding duties and responsibilities.

Please email if you have any further questions.

Applicant Information

Street Address


Required Forms for Submission

The following documents are required to be uploaded for review at the time of this submission:

Cover Letter

The letter should specify:

  • Your qualifications and state how you will enhance AIRP’s education (e.g., How your area of clinical and/or research expertise augments AIRP)

  • How your academic efforts will support or continue to support the mission of the AIRP. For example: "I will teach USUHS students for three hours per month." and/or "I will use the AIRP byline for all of my publications." and/or "I am actively involved in Residency training at ..."

Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Disclosure Form

This fillable form must be downloaded from the AIRP web page, completed and attached at the time of this submission.

Synopsis of Scholarly Interests

Provide a summary of accomplishments and future (At least one is required at time of application submission)

  1. Demonstration of Discovery (e.g., publications, book chapters, presentations, grants and funding, Institutional Review Board protocols, etc.)
  2. Demonstration of Teaching (e.g., medical students, residents, postgraduate, etc.)
  3. Demonstration of Application (e.g., offices or committee memberships in national/international societies and organizations, editorial board memberships, etc.)
  4. Reprints of your five (5) most significant publications these can either be links to digital versions of your publications or actual copies of these publications.

*Medical License

Please upload a copy of your medical license only if you are applying for section chief.

Please upload and attach a copy of the following:

  • High-Quality Headshot                          
  • Cover Letter
  • Updated CV
  • Disclosure Form
  • Synopsis of Scholarly Interests
  • *Medical License- Only applicants for section chief.
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