Certification Submission for SB18


An institution shall use this form to submit to the Coordinating Board its annual certification and a copy of related policies and procedures pursuant to 51.942 (c-4)(g) no later than September 1 of each year.


Institution's must submit a copy of policies and procedures related to faculty tenure and certify compliance with requirements in Texas Education Code 51.942.

Institutions also must submit copy of your institution's post-tenure review policy as required by state law (Budget Bill - Article III - Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Section 25)


The institutional contact (and form submitter, if applicable) will receive confirmation upon submission. THECB staff will reach out to the institution if there are questions regarding the submission.

Additional questions about compliance with this statute can be directed to Compliance@highered.texas.gov


(c-4)(g) Each governing board shall file a copy of the policies and procedures adopted under this section, and any amendments to such policies and procedures, with the coordinating board on or before September 1 of each year.

SB18 Bill Text

Upload a copy of the policies and procedures regarding faculty tenure required by Texas Education Code 51.942(g) and a copy of your institution's post-tenure review policy as required by state law (Budget Bill - Article III - Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Section 25). Also, please upload a signed Electronic Signature Acknowledgment and Consent Form (found here) for the Institution's Board Chair.

Drag and drop files here or

Please provide contact information for the form submitter if different from the institution contact above.