2023 Conversion Application
NOTICE: Pursuant to RFA 4.10(2)(c), the Conversion Application Fee is $875, and can paid at the following link: https://ebiz.osbar.org/ebusiness/ProductCatalog/Product.aspx?ID=5854
NOTE: you must pay the entire application fee before you submit this form. If you are paying by CC or debit card, please enter your order number below. If you are paying by check or money order, enter the check or money order number. Recognize that your application will not be considered complete until we receive your payment.
1. For your Conversion Application to be considered complete, you must upload the following four documents into this SmartSheet’s upload box: (a) Conversion Application; (b) Certificates of Good Standing from each jurisdiction in which you have been admitted; (c) Proof of Passage of at least one bar exam within the United States; and (d) Certificate of Graduation showing that you graduated from an ABA accredited law school. Items (c) and (d) are not required if you previously provided them to the Board within the last ten years.
2. Before uploading any document, rename all four documents using the following naming nomenclature: [your last name], [first name], [middle initial]-[document name]. For example, John E. Smith’s SmartSheet upload would consist of four PDFs, with “Smith, John, E.-“ as the leading text for each [document name]. The correct [document name] will be any of the following: Application; Certificate of Good Standing; Bar Passage; and Certificate of Graduation. If you have more than Certificate of Good Standing, please scan them together as one document.
3. Choose “Send me a copy of my responses” if you would like a copy for your records. We will not provide you with a copy of this form.
4. Hit the Submit button to officially submit your application.
Check this box if you have completed the above steps.