Business Entrepreneurship & Communication Program


Application Requirements

To apply to the Business Entrepreneurship & Communication Program, please submit the following items:

• Completed application form

• Copy of the biographical page in your passport

• Official bank statement (less than six months old) and letter of sponsorship (if sponsored)

• Proof of English language proficiency

• Copies of passports of dependents, if applicable

Personal Information

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Have you studied in IELP before?*

English Language Proficiency

Note: Proof of English language proficiency is required for admission to this program.

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Program Information

BEC Session

Students in the program take one core course and one of the following elective courses:

  • Business Presentation Skills
  • International Negotiations
  • Writing for Business
  • Entrepreneurship Fundamentals

Note that quarterly course offerings vary and depend on student interest and enrollments. Preferences are not guaranteed.

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Would you like to receive conditional admission to study in one of our business certificates after completing this program?*

Conditional Admission Options

After successfully completing the Business Entrepreneurship & Communication Program, students are eligible to continue their studies in the Global Business Certificate Program. This 3-quarter (9 month) program and covers topics such as global business foundations, global marketing, and project management. Students who complete this program are eligible to apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT), which allows graduates to remain in the United States for up to one year to work and gain practical experience in their field of study.

If you wish to study for only one quarter/topic of the program, you may also choose from the following single-quarter programs:

Note: Students with conditional admission for one of these programs may need to provide additional proof of funds prior to receiving an updated I-20 for that program.

Conditional Admission Program*

Academic & Career Information

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Have you completed an undergraduate or graduate degree in business or a business-related field?*
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If you have not taken any business courses, enter "N/A"

If you do not have any work experience, enter "N/A"

Applicant's Permanent Home Address

CANNOT be a business address, P.O. Box, or U.S. address

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Study Abroad Agency Information

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Immigration Information

Do you need an I-20 to apply for an F-1 student visa?*
Are you currently in the U.S.?*

For each dependent you wish to bring with you, please provide the following information:

  • Last/Family name
  • First name
  • Gender
  • Relationship to you (spouse or minor child only)
  • Date of birth
  • Country of birth

Financial Information

In order for our office to issue an I-20, you must demonstrate that you have the funds to cover all tuition and living expenses while you are in the U.S.. Refer to the program website for an estimate of these expenses. You will need to submit an official bank statement in English (less than six months old) and a letter of sponsorship (if sponsored) confirming that you have sufficient funds.

Please indicate the type of funds you will use to study in the U.S..*

Emergency Contacts

The following people or organizations (sponsor or agent) may be notified if there is an emergency health, safety, or legal concern related to me.

Emergency contact 1 (required)

Emergency contact 2 (optional)

Please upload the following required documents:

  • Copy of the biographical page in your passport
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Official bank statement (less than six months old) and letter of sponsorship (if sponsored)
  • Copies of passports of dependents, if applicable
Drag and drop files here or

Applicant Signature

Please read the statements below and type your name.

  • I understand that I will be charged the $50 application fee at the time of registration and that this fee is non-refundable.
  • I understand that this program is not a degree program. Admission to this program does not constitute or guarantee admission to any University of Washington degree program.
  • The information I have provided above is correct and complete. I understand that if I do not provide correct and complete information, my application can be denied or canceled.
  • I understand that by typing my name below, I am signing my application and affirming that I have read and agree to the above statements.

Accommodations for Disabilities

The University of Washington is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education, and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the IELP department at 206.543.6242 or the Disability Services Offices at 206.543.6450/VM, 206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264/fax, or, well in advance of arrival.

Health Insurance Requirement

The UW International Student Health Insurance Plan (ISHIP) is required for all international students with F-1 visa status who are enrolled full-time. This requirement will only be waived for students who are funded by their government or by the U.S. government.

Notification for Collection and Use of Personal Data

You are notified that by completing this application form, the University of Washington (UW) is collecting certain data about you. UW International & English Language is collecting data in order to process your application for the Global Business Certificate.

UW may also use this data to comply with its legal obligations. Data records will be maintained for at least their minimum required retention according to the applicable UW Records Retention Schedule.

Records will be accessed by those who have a legitimate UW-related business need to access them.

For additional information, to request access to or a copy of your personal data, or to request certain data be removed, you

may contact Continuum College Help at

If your data protection related questions or concerns are not addressed after contacting the organization area to which you provided

data, you may also contact UW’s designated data protection officer, Ann Nagel, Institutional Privacy Official and Associate Vice

Provost for Privacy,