Washington State Housing Authorities Bond Cap Request Form

To ensure the timely allocation of available bond cap, the Commission collaborates with the Association of Washington Housing Authorities (AWHA) to maintain a shared project pipeline and set program thresholds.

Form Submission Instructions:

Complete and submit this form for each project by the end of the year prior to the anticipated bond cap allocation. Given the increasing demand for volume cap, housing authorities are encouraged to provide a list of potential projects within their pipeline as part of this form or contact us directly when potential projects become known.

Contact Information

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Project Information

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Check this box if your project currently has an Extended Use Agreement. A project is considered a re-syndication if it currently has an Extended Use Agreement under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.

If applicable, enter the OID/TC/Loan number(s) from a previous financing with the Commission.

The amount of new bond cap requested for the project to be able to satisfy the 50% Test.

Project Readiness and Feasibility

How would you best describe the state of readiness of the project in terms of feasibility, financing, and construction?

List any third-party approvals/funding sources (other than bonds and tax credits, e.g. HUD, HTF, City, FHLB), anticipated approval dates and any funding deadlines.

Will this project receive all land use approvals, building and other development permits by the bond issuance date?

Are there any zoning changes or known environmental conditions that could significantly delay the project?

What known events (other than receipt of bond cap) could delay the project?

Has a lender and investor issued a preliminary term sheet?

Can your request for bond cap be moved to next year? If no, why not?

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