Classes of Registration Consultation

Submission Form

This is the online submission form for the Classes of Registration Consultation being undertaken by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario. It is recommended that before completing this form you review the overview provided on the College's website .

To be valid and considered by the College, all submissions must include the name of the person providing the feedback and, where applicable, the name of any organization that you are representing.

All feedback may be published by the College as part of the consultation program. Submissions from individuals will not be identified; however, those submitted on behalf of an organization will include the name of the organization and the name of the person submitting the feedback.


Please provide your given (first) name.

Please provide your family (last) name.

Please provide an email address to which the College may send you communication or information.

Please provide a telephone number where the College can reach you during regular business hours. To adjust the country, please use the arrow key to select the correct flag.

Are you a Registrant with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario*

Please enter your four-digit College registration number.

Have you completed the requirements for the Standard of Practice for Therapeutic Prescribing?*
Have you completed the requirements for the Standard of Practice for Intravenous Infusion Therapy*
Organizational Representation*

Are you making a submission on behalf of an organization?

Please state the full name of the organization you are representing.


Please select all the areas of consideration on which you will be providing feedback. Only those sections you select will be provided on the form below.

Feedback on Nomenclature or names of the classes of registration.

Having considered the environment, should changes to the nomenclature for the classes of registration be considered by the College? (Note: the question of whether there should be other classes of registration is addressed below.)

Feedback on Non-clinical class of registration.

Should the College contemplate creation of a non-clinical class of registration rather than apply non-clinical terms, conditions, and limitations on certificates as it does today? Is non-clinical the correct terminology or should another term be used?

Feedback on a Student class

Should the College create a “student” class of registration for individuals who are in an Ontario naturopathic educational program and who have not graduated?

Feedback on a transitional, supervised, or provisional class of registration.

Should the College create a transitional (supervised practice, intern or provisional) registration class to regulate graduates who are working under a registrant's supervision?

Feedback on the Inactive Class of registration, Out of Province or Parental Leave.

What changes, if any, should be made to the Inactive class to facilitate its intended use as a class for leaves of absence?

Feedback on Extended Class

Should the College create one or two additional classes of registration for registrants who have a) met the Standard of Practice for Therapeutic prescribing and b) who have met that standard as well as the Standard of Practice for IVIT?

If the answer to consideration 6 is yes, what might the names of the class(es) be to convey difference between an ND who has met the Standard(s) compared to an ND who has not met the Standard(s)? For example, if we retained the General class, should the College create a “Prescriber class” and a Full class to distinguish between the three types of NDs?

Feedback on Rostering

Should the College explore rostering for naturopathic manipulation and/or internal examinations and/or acupuncture, allowing those who do not perform these to be identified as public?

Feedback on Reinstatement

Should the College consider adding reinstatement provisions to the regulation along the lines set out above?

Feedback on Other Considerations

What other matters relating to the classes of registration or the Registration Regulation, if any, should be addressed?



I declare that the information that I have submitted is true and represents my own personal opinion or that of the organization that I am submitting on behalf of.


By checking the box below, you are affixing a signature to this form and indicating that this form and the information contained herein is bound directly to you.


Below is a check box to enable you to receive a copy of your submission. It is highly recommended that you check this box and enter your e-mail address. This will enable the on-line system to send you a copy of the information that you have provided to the College.

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