Approval Request for Voting Membership, Club/Team Name Changes and Material Reorganisations

Request for approval regarding applications relating to Voting Membership, Club/Team Name Changes and Material Corporate Reorganisations from The RFU Governance Committee.

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Voting Membership Application

Pursuant to RFU Regulation 3.3.1 the following below criteria must be satisfied. Please ensure that all supporting documentation is uploaded (clearly marked and titled into 'Upload Relevant Supporting Documents'):

(a) A written constitution;

(b) Evidence of the Club being a fully paid-up member of the Constituent Body;

(c) Evidence of the recommendation from the Constituent Body to appoint the Club as a voting member;

(d) Evidence of the Club satisfying the required number of matches played (3.3.1 (d));

(e) Previous year's financial statements; and

(f) Details regarding the management and ownership of the Club.

Please ensure that all the relevant documents are uploaded to avoid any delays to the request.

Club Name Change


Any change of club name request will be submitted to the RFU Governance Standing Committee in accordance with RFU

Regulation 3.7.1-3.7.10.

A club may not change its name between 1 September and 31 May, except in exceptional circumstances. Any change of name

request within this period will be effective from 1 June for the following season

Team Name Change


Any change of name request will be submitted to the RFU Governance Standing Committee in accordance with RFU Regulation


A club may not change the name of its First XV or that of any of its other teams if they participate in the League between 1

September and 31 May, except in exceptional circumstances. Any change of name request within this period will be effective

from 1 June for the following season.

Material Reorganisations

Please refer to Regulation 4 in advance of submitting an application relating to material reorganisations:

RFU Regulation 4

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Please provide a brief summary of the request, highlighting the key points and information.

Please tick the box to confirm that the Club has consulted and communicated the proposed Material Reorganisation with the relevant Constituent Body.

Please ensure that confirmation/approval from the relevant Constituent Body is uploaded

Please ensure that all relevant and supporting documentation is uploaded including the written constitution, recommendation of the constituent body (including confirmation of having had sight of the club’s previous year’s financial statements and an overview of the management and ownership of the club).

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