Law Enforcement Protection Program (LEPP) Application
This program is a joint collaboration between the
Kentucky Office of Homeland Security and the Kentucky State Police.
KRS 16.220 establishes a fund within the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security to provide grants for body armor, firearms, ammunition, electronic-control devices, electronic-control weapons, electro-muscular disruption technology, and body-worn cameras to city, county, charter county, unified local government, urban-county and consolidated local government police departments, university safety and security departments organized pursuant to KRS 164.950; school districts that employ special law enforcement officers as defined in KRS 61.900; and sheriff’s departments for sworn peace officers and service animals, as defined in KRS 525.010. First priority is given to providing and replacing body armor, second priority to providing firearms and ammunition. Residual funds available for the purchase of electronic control devices, electronic control weapons, electro-muscular disruption technology, and body-worn cameras.
In awarding these grants, KOHS gives first priority to providing and replacing body armor and second priority to providing firearms and ammunition, with residual funds available for the purchase of electronic-control weapons or electronic-muscular disruption technology and body-worn cameras. Body armor purchased using LEPP funds shall meet or exceed the standards issued by the National Institute of Justice for body armor.
Applications are accepted January 15th to March 31st of each year. Applications are reviewed quarterly by KOHS staff, and with approval of the governor, are awarded based on available funding.
Eligible items and maximum reimbursement rates:
- Body Armor Vests - Current market rate - (Tote carriers for vests are not reimbursable.)
- Duty Weapons/Firearms - Determined by quotes received by applicant.
- Ammunition - Up to 500 rounds per weapon (Determined by quotes received by applicant.)
- Taser - Current market rate(Includes taser and battery only.)
- Taser Software Unit - Current market rate(Limit of one unit per agency.)
- Taser Cartridge - Current market rate(Maximum of two per taser.)
- Body Cameras - Current market rate(Costs related to training, peripheral equipment, video storage, and video retention for body cameras is not reimbursable.)
Accessories, shipping & handling fees, and freight charges for the above equipment are not eligible for reimbursement.
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