ME Academic Grievance Form

To initiate the academic grievance process, an ME student must first submit the details of his/her grievance in writing to the instructor for consideration. Completion of this form will assist you in compiling the specifics and evidence to support your grievance, and will initiate the process by routing the grievance to the instructor to begin the formal grievance review process.

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Please include documentation (emails, policy statements, etc.) that you feel is relevant to the grievance. Only include documents that are directly referred to in your grievance description above. Documents should be in PDF format. If you have an email that you want to attach, select the print option on your email and have the destination listed as "Save as PDF". This will convert your email to PDF.

Drag and drop files here or

By typing your name in the box below and clicking "Submit" you are digitally signing this form and asserting that the above information is accurate and that you are the requester of the Academic Grievance for the year and term stated above.

By choosing to submit this form, you are agreeing to have this information given to your instructor.