File a Grievance Report
YOUR OPTIONS As a non-JDR employee wanting to report a concern or complaint within their, or an affiliated organisation, there are two options available to you. You can: • Raise them via this form, or • Contact JDR's Compliance Officer by email or in writing Email address: Postal address: Compliance Officer JDR Cable Systems Ltd. 177 Wisbech Road Littleport Cambridgeshire CB6 1RA United Kingdom The complaint can be submitted via email or in writing in the individual’s or organisation’s own language. For further information on JDR's External Grievance Policy and the process steps, please refer to our website under our Corporate Social Responsibility page. AFTER YOU HAVE SHARED YOUR COMPLAINT We endeavour to acknowledge receipt of a form, or any emails received within two (2) working days, or five (5) working days if in a language other than English. By completing this form and with your agreement, the information you provide will be passed on to our trained investigations officer who will follow the steps laid out in our policy to investigate. They will then decide on the most appropriate course of action. Your personal details will only be supplied to the organisation if agreed to do so below. Please note that fields marked * are mandatory. YOUR ANONYMITY RIGHTS The protection of your anonymity is vital in protecting your right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy. JDR will respect your rights without any fear of reprisal.