E-QIP Community of Practice (CoP) Registration Form FY 2024-2025

E-QIP's Community of Practice (CoP) fosters QI knowledge and experience, and measurement capacity through sharing among community mental health and addiction organizations.

We are excited to reconvene our CoP in October 2024 and reconnect with returning members while welcoming new members. As a community of practice member, you can expect to:

  • Support interactions and collaboration among members
  • Promote the QI work and innovations of MH&A organizations through discussion and sharing​
  • Participate in Q&A sessions with content experts/peers ​
  • Share challenges/successes experienced during agencies’ QI journey​
  • Support members to use their new QI knowledge to make improvements in their service delivery
  • Share, learn, and discuss about QI, system priorities and issues related to delivering high quality MHA care​

We look forward to welcoming you! If you are interested in joining our CoP, please complete the registration questions below. If you have questions about our CoP or E-QIP, please email us at quality@e-qip.ca

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