Internship Employer Interest Form

Please complete this form with as much information as you have available to help us better understand your organization's needs and internship(s) for students at CNM and/or CNM Ingenuity. After submission of the form, you will be contacted by our Student Workforce Success Work-Based Learning/Internship Team to speak further about hosting an internship. If you prefer to contact us and discuss your internship opportunities rather than fill out this form, you can reach us at

Thank you for your interest in providing students with the mentoring and work-based-learning they need to help build a strong labor force for our community!

Company & Contact Information


Internship Information

Has your company/organization hosted interns before?*

Are you interested in hosting an internship that a student can also receive college credit for?
Are there specific internship requirements and documents for your company (for example, a background check)?

You can also attach documents below.

Drag and drop files here or
Is this a paid internship?*

Please enter the information below so we can support you in exploring funding options for this internship.

Are you working with the Workforce Connection of Central New Mexico-WIOA program?*
Does your organization receive money from the Federal Department of Education?*
Is your organization a religious entity?*
Does your organization, or would the intern, participate in anything political?*

Political activity means an activity directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or    partisan political group. See

Would this intern be used to replace, displace, or back fill any part-time, full-time, contract, temporary, etc. employees?*
Will the intern be participating in or providing support for any partisan event/activity? **
Does your organization have member limits?*

(For example, a credit union, fraternal order, or religious order.)

NAICS, short for North American Industry Classification System, is a coding system used to categorize businesses by industry. This will help us in determining internship options and potential funding that may be available.

Some types of internship funding within the CNM Work-Based Learning program may require a contractual agreement with CNM. If the name and title of the signatory authority is different from the contact list above, list here:

How many interns could potentially be a part of this specific internship opportunity?

Caret IconCaret symbol
Are you requesting students from a specific school and/or program?*

Is the intern doing the work of a part-time or full-time position that cannot be filled?*
Do you have another type of internship available that you would like to share?
Is this a paid internship?*
Caret IconCaret symbol
Are you requesting students from a specific school and/or program?*

Is the intern doing the work of a part-time or full-time position that cannot be filled?*
Do you have another type of internship available that you would like to share?
Is this a paid internship?*
Caret IconCaret symbol
Are you requesting students from a specific school and/or program?*

Is the intern doing the work of a part-time or full-time position that cannot be filled?*

Additional Information

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