Author Information

Submission Format

Please select the format you are interested in submitting below.

E-Book Availability

Please select if your E-Book is already available or if you'd like information on publishing an E-Book so that The Library may offer it as part of its digital collection.

Publish my E-Book!

HPL has compiled the following list of Self-Publishing resources that work with Overdrive so that we can acquire your E-Book for your digital collection. Please click HERE to view these resources.

Book Information

Leave blank if there is no subtitle

Leave blank if not part of a series

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

What is the theme of the book? (Ex. Romance, Comedy, Action) If adding multiple, separate by comma.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please provide a short summary of the book in four to five sentences.

Local Author Agreement

You must read and agree to terms of service for the Houston Public Library Local Author Agreement. By completing the following form, you are agreeing to be in compliance with the following terms:

  • Local authors must reside in the nine county Houston Metropolitan Area:
  • Harris County
  • Fort Bend County
  • Montgomery County
  • Brazoria County
  • Galveston County
  • Liberty County
  • Waller County
  • Chambers County
  • Austin County

  • Advanced Reader or draft copies will not be accepted for inclusion in the Local Authors Collection.
  • Acceptance of a title for the Local Authors Collection does not guarantee that the Library will purchase additional copies.
  • If the Library elects to purchase additional copies of an accepted title, the purchase will be made through the Library’s materials vendors.
  • Contributions to the Local Authors Collection become the property of the Houston Public Library and will not be returned.
  • Contributions to the Local Authors Collection will be retained in the collection for up to three years and are subject to all other Houston Public Library policies and procedures regarding retention and deselection.
  • The author represents and warrants full ownership and/or legal rights to publish all material in the book.

If submitting a physical book, upon submission, drop off a new, unblemished copy of your physical material to your local Houston Public Library branch or mail to:

Houston Public Library

Library Materials Services

Local Authors Collection Submissions

500 McKinney Street

Houston, TX 77002

I agree to HPL's Local Authors Terms of Service

Please check the box below to receive a copy of your responses to print and include with your physical item.