IAS Distinguished Service Award


The purpose of the Society Distinguished Service Award is to recognize an individual who has, through dedication and service, distinguished him/herself to the IEEE Industry Applications Society. In selecting a recipient, consideration is given to the contributions of the nominee to IAS through Executive Board, Technical Committee, Department, Chapter, and Section activities.


The Distinguished Service Award is presented annually by the Industry Applications Society (IAS). In selecting a recipient, the committee considers contributions of the nominee to IAS through Executive Board, Technical Committee, Section or Chapter activities, which may be manifested in the following manner: 1. Exceptional administrative, managerial and leadership achievement, 2. Proposal and/or implementation of innovative new society programs, or 3. Dedication to the growth and advancement of the Society, and/or its geographic and technical entities. A person who has been the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award in which he was recognized primarily for service to the Society, shall not be eligible for the Distinguished Service Award. The recipient receives a suitably inscribed plaque and a cash award of $5,000. Posthumous awards will be made only when knowledge of the awardee's death is received after announcement of the recipient. Nomination of known deceased persons cannot receive consideration.


1.    The IAS Distinguished Service Award, award Committee (DSAC) will evaluate nominations and recommend a recipient to the Chairman of the Awards Department. The DSAC is selected by the Awards Department Chair and appointed by the Executive Board. It is made up of three to five Society members including at least three previous recipients of the award (if applicable). 2.    In January of each year, nominations will be solicited through the Awards Nominations Committee, Industry Applications magazine, Executive Board members, and the IAS Operating Departments. To be considered as a nominee, a simple format, four-page form must be completed describing IAS activities and associated contributions made by the nominee. The form must be submitted and received by the IAS Awards Department Chair before the specified due date of April 1st. 3.   Selection is based on total contribution to the profession through any and all IEEE-IAS activities in which the candidate is engaged in. Each member of the DSAC will receive the data for all nominees and prepare an evaluation ballot for each candidate. The DSAC Chair will collect the ballots and tabulate the results in a spreadsheet. The DSAC will then meet (conference call or in person) to discuss the numerical results and apply judgment as to the most deserving candidate. 4.    The recommended recipient will be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Department by May 15, who will present it to the IAS Executive Board for approval at the 2nd Quarter IAS Executive Board meeting. 5.    The Awards Department Chairman, with concurrence of the Society President, will then notify the recipient by June 1 and make arrangements for receiving the award. This timing is necessary so that adequate time is available for announcement prior to the Society Annual Meeting, at which time the Award will be presented. 6.    The Awards Department Chair obtains the Award Plaque and $5,000 check and makes the necessary arrangements for presentation of the award at the Industry Applications Society Annual meeting or any other IAS sponsored conference. 7. All IAS awards follow IEEE policy that deceased individuals cannot be considered for an award with the exception of posthumous award may be presented if recipient's death occurs after the IAS Board of Directors or the department awards committee approves the recipient. 8. Nominations must be written in English.

IV. Instructions

Please fill out form below neatly, accurately, and completely. Selection of recipient will be made by June 1st of each year. Only online submissions will be accepted. Self-nomination will not be accepted for this award.


a. Candidate Information

IEEE Member
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
IEEE Industry Applications Society Member

b. Education (list latest degree first)

Please list institution/location degree received and year degree was received below

SAMPLE: Ph.D./2016/Rutger's University

SAMPLE: M.Sc./2013/University of Akron

SAMPLE: B.Sc./2000/Rutger's University

c. Record of Society Service

Please limit your entry to under 600 words.

Please limit your entry to under 600 words.

Please limit your entry to under 600 words.

Please limit your entry to under 600 words.

please limit entry to 25 words

d. Nominator Information