Intent to Submit Form

Please provide as much of the requested information as possible. This information helps us determine internal deadlines, checklists and prepare draft budgets.

Once we receive your completed form, a pre-award team member will contact you to discuss proposal details.


Last Name, First Name

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Are you...*


Are you submitting a fellowship?*

Individual fellowship opportunities (e.g., F31, F32); Does not include Career Development Grants (K-awards)

Is it a NIH fellowship application?*

(i.e., F30, F31, F32)

Fellowship Type:*
Proposal Type:*

(e.g., NIH, University of Wisconsin (DOD Prime))

Is the UMN a subaward?*

If no RFA number is available please paste the URL linked to the funding announcement or attach a PDF version in the Upload section found below.

If unknown, enter working title or "TBD."

Please provide a short summary/abstract of the project--including major goals--to be used internally when communicating with other departments, divisions and SPA. May be used by other depts as the grant descriptor on Other Support Pages.

Project Type:*
Clinical trial is:*
Will this be a multiple PI lead proposal?*
Does this proposal include any outgoing subawards?*

Please provide institution name and contact person information.

Does this proposal include any planned activity with the community or other outside entities (excluding subawards)?*
Does this proposal contains an international component (consultant, travel, etc)?*

Required for NIH fellowship applications

Please select from the NIH Field of Training list.

Have you received prior Kirschstein-NRSA Support?*

(e.g., Year 1 Graduate Student, Year 3 Postdoc, etc)

What is your citizenship status?*
Are you submitting any other applications for concurrent support?*


Does this project involve any of the following?

Human subjects*

Human subject means a living individual about whom a researcher obtains: 1) Data through intervention or interaction with the individual OR 2) Identifiable private information.

Animal subjects*
Recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, infectious agents, or biologically-derived toxins*
Purchase/use of custom antibodies produced in animals housed outside the University*
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells*
Human fetal tissue or cell lines derived from human fetal tissue*
Radioactive materials and/or ionizing or nonionizing radiation producing equipment*
Human blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials*
Export or import of tangible research material(s) to or from another country*
University of Minnesota personnel conducting fieldwork in another country*


Does a potential financial and/or business conflict of interest exist?*
Is it likely that anything patentable will result from the current research project?*
Have any inventions been conceived or reduced to practice under prior research on this project?*
Was the invention previously reported to Technology Commercialization?*
Does this proposal contain third party or University confidential information?*


Please list the name, role on project, and estimated effort for all key UMN personnel on this project.

This does not need to be a final list. This information will be used to create a draft budget. Please include your % effort too!

Please list the name, role on project and effort for all other paid personnel and/or unpaid collaborators on this project.

This does not need to be a final list. This information will be used to create a draft budget. Please also include ToBeNamed Positions (i.e. TBN Postdoc, TBN Grad Student, etc.).


Provide any additional information/comments/notes here. Be sure to highlight unusual terms or conditions that you notice in the FOA.

Attach any relevant documents here (e.g., RFA).

Drag and drop files here or