Change of Personal Details

You must provide appropriate documentation to support any request to change your name, date of birth or gender.

Changes to address, contact number and preferred name can be done via your Student Portal.

Documentation accepted for change of personal details

The following documents will be accepted as evidence of a change of personal details:

  • Birth certificate (Commemorative certificates are not acceptable)
  • Marriage certificate (Commemorative certificates are not acceptable)
  • Deed Poll
  • Change of Name certificate issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
  • Divorce decree
  • A birth certificate showing the name at birth and the new name (Commemorative certificates are not acceptable), only Australian Birth Certificates are accepted.
  • A current passport
  • A current driver licence - this will only be accepted for change of date of birth
  • Australian Citizenship

Certifying documents

The person who certifies your document/s must be contactable by telephone during standard working hours. Your documents must be

certified by one of the following authorised officers:

  • A registered Justice of the Peace (JP)
  • A Justice of the Peace must also print their registration number and provide details of the state in which they are registered.
  • An accountant - must be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Association of Taxation and Management Accountants or be a Registered Tax Agent
  • A commissioner for declarations
  • A barrister, solicitor or patent attorney
  • A police officer in charge of a police station, or of the rank of sergeant and above

You, or a family member, cannot certify your documents, even if you or they belong to one of the categories listed above.

A Justice of the Peace must also print their registration number and provide details of the state in which they are registered. Copies

certified by a JP without a registration number will not be accepted.

Link to find a JP (Justice of Peace) near your:

Additional policies can be found here