Interest of Employment with the Maryland General Assembly

Thank you for your interest of employment with the Maryland General Assembly (MGA).

There are full and/or part-time regular and contractual administrative positions available in the MGA. All final hiring decisions are made by the supervising legislator.

Possible Position Placements:

  • Standing committee of the Senate or House
  • With an individual legislator
  • In a district office
  • In a legislative support office

General Duties:

  • Perform general legislative and office duties with proficiency.
  • Computer proficiency:
  • Microsoft Office
  • Navigation of the MGA Website
  • Virtual meeting platform administration
  • Data entry
  • Organization-specific Information Systems
  • Correspond with constituents and government agencies.
  • Greet the public and assist with questions or concerns.
  • Preparing other types of legislative documents
  • Other duties as assigned.

*Duties may vary based on position placement, position title, and general preferences of the supervising Member.

Working Hours: As established by the Maryland Constitution, the annual session of the legislature is 90 consecutive days in length, beginning on the second Wednesday in January.

Please complete the information below and attach your resume and cover letter for consideration.

Note: You will not be able to save and continue filling out this form at a later time. If you do not have both documents available, please exit and return to the link once you have both documents available.

If you have any questions, contact HR