Exit Information and Survey Form

Congratulations on your accomplishments!

Before obtaining the Director of Graduate Education (DOGE) signature on your Graduate Student Approval Form, we require that you submit the information in the survey below.

We have included a few brief questions to assist the Graduate Program Staff and Department of English in evaluating degree requirements as well as the programming we offer to enhance your academic success and professionalization. Your responses help us identify strengths and suggest ways of shaping the future of our programs. If you need more space for your response, please attach a document on the file upload at the bottom of the page. We appreciate your feedback and hope you’ll take the time to provide your comments.

NOTE: If you have concerns about the confidentiality of your responses, you may leave the questions blank on this form and email a separate document to Jennifer Kilborn (jkilborn@iastate.edu) or place a hard copy of the document indicating only your major in Jennifer Kilborn’s 206 Ross mailbox.

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Please include job title or name a graduate major (if pursuing additional graduate study).

Please include location (City, State)

PLEASE remember to keep in touch with your Major Professor to keep us updated on your location, employment, and accomplishments after graduation. Thank you!

What were your goals in pursuing this graduate degree, and what aspects of your program were the most helpful in achieving them? (Limited space available.)

What suggestions do you have regarding ways to improve the variety and quality of mentoring that graduate students receive at the different stages of their progress to degree? Were there ways the Graduate English staff did help and/or could have helped more in providing mentoring? (Limited space available.)

What workshops and events hosted through the Graduate Studies Office (Such as mock interviews, panels on publishing, workshops on creating a clear cv, orientation, etc.) were most helpful to you and what suggestions do you have for future programming? (Limited space available.)

What other comments do you have regarding your graduate program and your graduate experience overall? (Limited space available.)

Papers Presented at Conferences, Published work, and Awards: If you presented papers at conferences, published work, or received any awards external to ISU while a graduate student here, please attach document with those accomplishments in the format that you list them on your cv.

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