West Riding FA Working Groups Expression of Interest
The Chair, and Staff Member, shall approve the membership of Working Groups on a meeting-by-meeting basis in line with
the following key principles:
1. No more than 15 members shall attend any meeting of the Working Group
2. Attendees should be selected based on their subject matter knowledge and/or experience relative to the meeting agenda
3. Attendance is restricted by invitation only
4. The Chair, nor the Director and/or Staff member, are obliged to justify the selection of individuals ahead of a meeting of the Working Group.
Members shall be responsible for the following:
1. Attend Working Group Meetings either face to face or online
2. Contribute to any supplementary workstreams to support the work of the Working Group (i.e completion and/or circulation of surveys, feedback on proposals)
3. Read written materials sent in advance of the meeting.
4. Work in good faith and collaboratively with other Working Group members, especially those with a different perspective.
5. Share information and develop a shared understanding of the issues with other Working Group Members and wider stakeholders
6. Actively participate in the Working Group Meetings.
7. Adhere to the Working Group’s Ground Rules.