OSP Subawards Tracking Form

Requestor Information

Select or enter value
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Please enter name and email address.

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Entity/Institution Information

Sponsor's approval to issue subawards is required unless otherwise indicated in the agreement with the Sponsor.

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Project Details

Enter the Coeus Lite proposal number if the subaward is under external funding.

Enter 00000 if the subaward is under internal funding.

Subawards/amendments can be processed only if funds are allocated to a fund in the system.

Contract Details

Subagreement Modification Details

Project Period: the expected period of performance under the prime agreement. It can be two, three, and up to five consecutive years.

Format: mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy.

Budget Period: Twelve-month performance period, typically running parallel to Drexel's budget.

Format: mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy.

Budget Period: Twelve-month performance period, typically running parallel to Drexel's budget.

Format: mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy.

The Subrecipient’s place of performance is the address where the scope of work will be done. It might be the PI’s lab or another facility.

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This is the estimated amount the Subrecipient will receive through the Project Period (as defined above).

Format: $0.00.

Typically, the amount funded equates to the Subrecipient annual budget.

Format: $0.00.

It is Drexel's Policy to flow funds down to Subrecipients when the funds have either been received by Drexel or officially committed by the Sponsor (or Pass-Through Entity); therefore, they are available.

You must be able to confirm sufficient funds before submitting the request.

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It is Drexel's Policy to flow funds down to Subrecipients when the funds have either been received by Drexel or officially committed by the Sponsor (or Pass-Through Entity); therefore, they are available.

You must be able to confirm sufficient funds before submitting the request.

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Please indicate if there is confidential information being disclosed and how.

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Select all that apply.

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Documentation Provided

The "Amount Funded This Action" (as described above) breakdown must be included. Can include the detail of the Estimated Subaward Amount (as described above).

This is required to issue this Subaward, which was not initially in Drexel's proposal.

Drag and drop files here or

Please note: In order to receive a copy of your response, you must check the "Send me a copy of my responses" box below and enter your email address. If you have an additional person (e.g. the PI, department admin) you would like to send the responses to, please forward your email from SmartSheet to the desired recipient(s) once it arrives in your inbox.

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