1. For your Temporary Practice Application to be considered complete, you must upload the following five documents into this SmartSheet: a) Temporary Practice Application; b) Qualifying Documents; c) Employer Statement; d) Supervising Attorney Declaration; and e) the document submitted in support of compliance with Oregon’s Insurance Requirement.
2. Before uploading any document, rename all five document using the following naming nomenclature: [your last name], [first name], [middle initial]-[document name]. For example, John E. Smith’s SmartSheet upload would consist of five PDFs, with “Smith, John, E.-“ as the leading text for each [document name]. The correct [document name] depends on the qualification for which the document is offered. See items 3 – 5 for the contents of, and the [document name] used, for the five PDFs.
3. While the Temporary Practice Application includes six sections, Section 5 will be completed by your employer and uploaded by you as a separate PDF using the [document name] “Employer Statement.” Likewise, Section 6 will be completed by your Supervising Attorney, and will uploaded by you as a separate PDF using the [document name] “Supervising Attorney Declaration.” This leaves the remaining Sections 1 – 4 to be combined and saved as one PDF using the [document name] “Temporary Practice Application.”
4. The term “Qualifying Documents” is defined in Subsection 2.B.2 of the Temporary Practice Application. You must acquire the applicable document(s) of this definition from each and every jurisdiction listed in Section 2.B.1 of the Temporary Practice Application. You will then scan the paper originals into one PDF, or if the Qualifying Documents are in different paper or electronic forms, use an appropriate application or program to combine all of the Qualifying Documents into one PDF and save the PDF using the [document name] “Qualifying Document.” In the alternative, if you uploaded all of the Qualifying Documents with your Underlying Admissions Application, make sure you check the box under 2.B.2 of the Temporary Practice Application, and create a document with the following phrase typed on it: “I submitted all Qualifying Documents with my Underlying Admission Application that was submitted with the Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners.” After saving the document in a PDF, rename the document using the [document name] “Qualifying Document.”
5. Presently, Temporary Practice Applicants comply with Oregon’s Insurance Requirement through the following two options: a) acquire and maintain an Alternative Carrier Policy from an Acceptable Alternative Carrier; or b) establish that the applicant qualifies for an exemption from insurance coverage based upon the nature of their employment or practice. If your compliance is achieved through an Alternative Carrier Policy, then you must upload the certificate of insurance from the Acceptable Alternative Carrier as one PDF using the [document name] “Certificate of Insurance.” If your compliance is achieved through an exemption, then you must upload a narrative stating your qualifications for the exemption as one PDF using the [document name] “Exemption Qualifications.”
6. If you have not already completed all the documents referenced in items 2 – 5 above, you may find them or references to them here https://www.osbar.org/_docs/admissions/TemporaryPractice/TemporaryPracticeAppPRE-PLF.pdf
7. Read the statement entitled Authorization Process below to understand the process still needed before receiving authorization to practice law in Oregon
8. Choose “Send me a copy of my responses” if you would like a copy for your records. We will not provide you with a copy of this form.
9. Hit the Submit button to officially submit your application.