International Travel & Travel Insurance Request - Required at least 45 days before travel

Purpose: Each employee/study abroad student traveling internationally for official business is required to complete this form.

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Put "NA" if no airport is involved.

Are you signed up for Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)? This is required before submitting this request.

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Please provide all lodging names, addresses and phone numbers. Any missing information will cause return of this form.

Check all that apply and provide details for "Other"

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Please provide security measures in place or traveler will take while traveling.

Please include any personal dates planned for your international business trip. If they exceed 25% of the trip, your flight will become a taxable item to you. Put "N/A" if no personal days.

Account/Fund/Dept/Program/Class/Project. If Sponsored Programs, or Extended Education, DOA approval email must be uploaded with insurance request.

To determine if the county is High Hazard or War Risk please visit and click on State Department Travel Warnings as well as CSURMA High Hazardous and War Risk countries. Vice President and President's approval are required if "Yes" is selected.

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Please upload the approval in the file upload box below.

Drag and drop files here or